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技艺与信心,无往而不胜。Skill and confidence is an unconquered army.

和信心是不可克服的军队。Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.

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逃避不受征服,是我永远做不到的。It is never in my power to escape unconquered.

马其诺防线堡垒里顽强的坚守者一直没有停止战斗,直到二战停战。The crews of the unconquered Maginot forts held out until the armistice.

并不能说这块上帝许给的土地曾经完全被希伯来人控制过。Yet Chiang by no means had complete control over the areas still Unconquered by the Communists.

我将用战利品来装饰你,我失败的花环。我永难做到不再被征服。I will deck you with trophies, garlands of my defeat. It is never in my power to escape unconquered.

我要以胜利品,我的失败的花环,来装饰你。逃避不受征服,是我永远做不到的。I will deck thee with trophies, garlands of my defeat. It is never in my power to escape unconquered.

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我要以胜利品——我的失败的花环来装饰你。逃避使不受征服,是我永远做不到的。I will deck thee with trophies , garlands of my defeat . It is never in my power to escape unconquered.

然而,西尔弗未被吓倒,我听得出他的牙在上下打颤,但他没有屈服。Still Silver was unconquered. I could hear his teeth rattle in his head, but he had not yet surrendered.

目前人类还不能有效地制服艾滋病,每年都有成千上万的人被病魔夺去生命。At present, AIDS remains effectively unconquered and every year it takes the lives of tens of thousands of people.

同时,其余未被攻克的普什图领土变成了日后阿富汗的雏形。Meanwhile, the remaining unconquered portion of Pashtun territory became the nucleus for the formation of Afghanistan.