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巴黎火车北站地铁站的外部装饰。Exterior, Gare du Nord railway station.

译裁判员以不容反对的神气作出了决定。The umpire gare his decision with an airadmitting of no gainsay.

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乘公汽到巴黎市中心和巴黎北站需要40分钟。It takes 40 minutes to go Central Paris and Gare De Nord if by bus.

地理位置十分优越,从巴黎北站到最近的地铁站只需5分钟。The location was EXCELLENT. 5 minutes from both the Gare du Nord and nearest metro stop.

他在战时签了各种单子把犹太人,送去车站,波尔多圣约翰车站He had signed during the war all sorts of slips that sent Jews off to the station, the Gare St.

第一站我选择了巴黎,当我到达北火车站时,我开始在网上询问。I began in Paris, where I arrived at the Gare du Nord and began slinging questions into the ether.

她们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,她们的团长发表了告别讲话。On the eve of theirs departure you gave a fare notgood banquet or theirs head gave a gare notgood speech.

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她们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,她们的团长发表了告别讲话。On the eve of theirs departure them gave a fare notwell banquet and theirs head gave a gare notwell speech.

我妻子和我第一次去法国旅行,我们搭上了从巴黎北站到南方的火车。My wife and I were on our first trip to France and were catching a train from Gare du Nord towards the south.

MVRDV建筑师事务所设计的“挤压厚板”节能办公大楼位于法国巴黎的第13行政区。MVRDV presents the design for the Pushed Slab office building at ZAC Gare de Rungis in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, France.

之所以走路是因为在北站排队等出租车的时间看起来比从伦敦到巴黎的时间还长。I'm on foot partly because getting to the front of the queue at the Gare du Nord taxi rank looked like it would take longer than the trip from London.

作者盖尔·汤普森在书中运用大量史实资料,以讲故事的形式将加利福尼亚早期传教士的生活场景完美地展现在读者面前。Gare Thompson weaves rich factual details and an entertaining fictional story to create a vivid image of life on the missions and ranchos of early California.

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大约四点钟有一趟火车驶离北方车站,我在计算时间—银行、英国领事馆、美国捷运公司、火车站。There was a train leaving the Gare du Nord at four o'clock, or thereabouts . I was figuring it our the bank, the Consulate, the American Express, the station.

位于法国火车北站附近的全国首个吸毒室将要于周二开放,在这里瘾君子可以在监督下注射毒品。The country's first supervised drug centre where addicts can inject illegal substances under observation will open in Paris on Tuesday near the Gare du Nord train station.

三个小时在喝饮料、吃点心、读报纸以及欣赏窗外的风景中很快就过去了,“欧洲之星”列车载着794名乘客滑入了巴黎北站。After three hours that have passed quickly in a mix of drinking, eating, reading and watching out the train windows, the Eurostar train with its 794 passengers glides into Gare du Nord.

日本隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所赢得了设计圣丹尼斯普莱耶尔地铁站的竞赛,此站是服务于巴黎地铁延伸新部分而计划建设的三个关键站台之一。Japanese firm Kengo Kuma & Associates has won a competition to design the Gare Saint-Denis Pleyel, one of three key stations that will be built to serve a new stretch of the Paris Metro.

例如,里面描述了乡下人的行为,就像你刚到了布列塔尼的蒙帕纳斯火车站,你一无所知,你当时却饥肠辘辘想急于充饥,简直就像丈二和尚For example,to have--to give the impression of being provincial with-- like you just arrived at the train from Brittany in Gare Montparnasse, and you're just so totally out of it and then that's all you want to do, and you're sort of clueless.