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他是被人用石块砸死的。He was stoned to death.

那些男孩扔石头打狗。The boys stoned the dog.

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残酷的男孩竟用石头打那条狗。The cruel boy stoned the dog.

好的,我仍然烂醉如泥。Well, okay, I still get stoned.

她洗了洗樱桃,给樱桃去了核。She washed and stoned the cherry.

他们大喝啤酒,喝得烂醉。They get themselves stoned on beer.

变成石头的海贼们粉碎成了粉末。And the stoned pirates shatter into pieces.

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第五课——看上去总是有些神志恍惚Module five – Always seem a tiny bit stoned

他失败了,于是被乱石砸死并被砍了头。When he failed, he was stoned and beheaded.

而中国人却并不买他的帐,迎接他的永远是唾沫,咒骂,更有甚者甚至当街朝他扔石块。Daily he was spit upon, cursed, stoned in the street.

在这一时期内未婚母亲被投掷石块致死。In that time period unwed mothers were stoned to death.

他们会向人开枪,特别是毒品让他们恍恍惚惚的时候。They shoot, especially when they get stoned with drugs.

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林平之用石头砸断了自己的腿大声呼叫岳灵珊。Lin Pingzhi stoned lenient in a loud voice broke his leg.

近年来,多名男子被扔石刑处死。A number of men have been stoned to death in recent years.

众人就把他拉到城外,用石头打死。So they took him outside the city and stoned him to death.

外伸支腿是否在有红色标识的混凝土、土壤或者碎石覆盖区域?Will out-riggers be on red concrete, soil or stoned areas?

当你喝醉躺在臭水沟时我有没有说过你?Do I preach at you when you are lying stoned in the gutter?

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抢劫犯放火烧了一家邮局,并用石头砸车。A post office was set on fire and vehicles were stoned by looters.

比如在伊朗,一名已经是两个孩子的父亲的人因为通奸罪而被处以石刑。In Iran, for example, a father of two was stoned to death for adultery.

阿卜杜拉不想因为通奸而被石头砸死,是吧?Abdullah didn’t want to be stoned for participating in adultery, did he?