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非常高端。Very advanced.

他年岁已高。He is advanced in years.

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高级语法着色。Advanced syntax coloring.

高等动物学杂志。Journal of Advanced Zoology.

这是一个高级特性。This is an advanced feature.

性能先进的混砂设备。It is kind of advanced Mixer.

高级课程班是没有休息的。The advanced class is nonstop.

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性能先进的混砂设备。It is a kind of advanced Mixer.

我们朝城堡前进。We advanced towards the castle.

然后他向主席台走去。Then he advanced to the rostrum.

提升射速和弹夹容量。Advanced rapid-fire and capacity.

钟表必须拨快一小时。Clocks must be advanced one hour.

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电子商务的高级阶段。The advanced stage of e-business.

部队行进到河边。The troops advanced to the river.

他们大多是先进工作者。They are mostly advanced workers.

高级的Ajax请求队列支持。Advanced queueing of Ajax requests

他获胜进入第二轮比赛。He advanced into the second round.

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希刺克厉夫走到炉边。Heathcliff advanced to the hearth.

我向她迎上几步。I advanced a few steps toward her.

提高上弹速度和弹夹容量。Advanced reload speed and capacity.