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她在最后一幕里占了很突出的地位。She figured prominently in the last act.

这些建筑在那部剧中很显眼。The houses prominently featured in that show.

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中国人物画的突出特点的神韵。Chinese figure painting prominently features verve.

各报均以显著的位置刊载了这条消息。This news was prominently featured in all the papers.

橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中显得很重要。Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes.

突出表现在许多美国塔克马的血统AZAL数字。Azal figures prominently in many American Teke pedigrees.

在热力学中状态方程的概念被突出地使用。In thermodynamics the equations of state are prominently used.

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他们不都是些农夫么,平时怎么操练呢How would they practice because weren't they prominently farmers?

创建一个突出你的名字的面向IT的网站。Create an IT-oriented Web site with your name prominently featured.

鲁迅作品在法国有突出的复译现象。Retranslation of Lu Hsun's works have figured prominently in France.

达杜拉在各次的视频采访中显著地代表塔利班组织。Dadullah has figured prominently for the Taliban in media interviews.

动人的黄色50荷兰盾,其中向日葵最显眼。The striking, yellow 50 guilder note features a sunflower prominently.

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他在竞选时也突出了受教育权。He too used the right to education prominently in his election campaign.

和平解决的问题很可能是这次谈判的突出重点。The question of the peace settlement is likely to prominently in the talks.

采用早强剂可显著提高GRC的早期强度。Use hardening accelerator can improve the GRC's early strength prominently.

明智的做法是将这些规定公诸于众,并在执行时公平一致。It is wise to post these policies prominently and to apply them consistently.

那叠钱醒目地放在桌子上,她拿着它们,挤出来笑容。The stack of money prominently placed on the table, she took them out, smile.

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柯萨奇B病毒也是一种常见的病毒,最显著地感染儿童。Coxsackie B virus is also a common virus, most prominently affecting children.

体外细胞实验表明C-PC经光敏作用能更有效的抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。Furthremore, C-PC could inhibit tumor cells by photosensitization prominently.

即将在中国举行的亚洲文化节,将把东盟作为重要主题。ASEAN will feature prominently in the Asian Culture Festival to be held in China.