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我已经看到了机器人。Well, I’ve seen Android.

安卓系统也有类似的功能。Android has a similar feature.

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这是最好的STG的机器人。This is the best STG on android.

事实上,我喜欢做个机器人。Actually, I like being an android.

为他的牛机器人氰工作。Cyanogen for his awsome Android work.

是否亚马逊正在研发安卓版金读?Is Amazon Working on an Android Kindle?

新的安卓应用程序也将很快推出。A new Android application will follow soon.

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安卓是谷歌公司的处理平台。Android is Google Inc.’s operating platform.

微软也正因安卓系统而起诉摩托罗拉。Microsoft is suing Motorola over Android too.

他说他对苹果的新手机不了解,“安卓和其他装置必须要追赶上。”Android and other devices have had to catch up.

事实上现在世界上每天都新增55万台安卓设备。There are 550, 000 new Android devices everyday.

游戏。炒股。盈方市场免费下载。Application&Game can download from Android Market.

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在你的闪盘或记忆卡上安装androidInstall Android On Your Flash Drive or Memory Card

通过USB连接到您的高清而机器人正在运行。Connect via USB to your HD2 while Android is running.

最近,你也做了从安卓到苹果的转变了吗?Have you recently made the switch from Android to iOS?

既不支持苹果也不支持安卓是很愚蠢的。It’d be foolish not to support both Apple and Android.

不要再对谷歌未能利用安卓吸金而横加指责。Forget the criticism about not making money with Android.

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这些机器人是由最新型技术制造的。These are the latest word in android replicant technology.

而谷歌安卓系统的应用软件则没有任何年龄限制。Apps on Google's Android system do not have an age minimum.

HTC的系列安卓智能手机也一样。The same can be said for HTC's line of Android smartphones.