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滑下来。Slide down.

我在溜滑梯上。I'm on the slide.

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我在滑滑梯上。I am on the slide.

我能看见一个滑滑梯。I can see a slide.

在滑滑梯上玩滑滑梯。Slide on the slide.

我能看见滑滑梯。I can see the slide.

浩嗡嗡声,让它下滑。Ho-hum, let it slide.

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我想要玩溜滑梯。I want to use the slide.

他们在草地上飞跑。They slide on the grass.

把照片翻过去。Just slide the image over.

弟弟喜爱滑滑梯。My brother likes to slide.

270时开始滑动。It started to slide at 270.

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你的鼻子象滑滑梯。Your trunk is like a slide.

我喜欢在滑滑梯上玩。I like playing on the slide.

我喜欢玩溜滑梯。I like to play on the slide.

你们在幻灯片里瞥见了啥子?。Who do you see in the slide?

安吉,咱们去玩溜滑梯吧。Angie, let's go on the slide.

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将煎好的蛋皮移入一个大盘子内。Slide out onto a large plate.

他在泥泞的路面上滑着走。His muddy slide onto the road.

原来只有一个滑滑梯。There was only a slide before.