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欧巴马还是显得不慌不忙。Mr Obama seems unruffled.

他受到这些指控仍处之泰然。He remained unruffled by the charges.

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好,好,你是对的“他平静的回答。"Fine, fine, you are right, " he replied, unruffled.

灰色的花爬在午后的白砖上静谧而安详。Gray flower climbs quiet on postmeridian white brick and unruffled.

从容不迫、举重若轻地描绘,在软弱中越来越有力量和味道。He paints unruffled and shows more and more strength and taste in the weakness.

他赢了,某种程度上是因为,他进行了一场像他一样稳健、有条不紊的选战。He won, in part, because he ran a campaign that was as steady and unruffled as he is.

遇到危机,临危不乱,尽快解决问题,提升企业形象。Crisis, unruffled , as soon as possible to solve problems and enhance corporate image.

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融合了A型血沉着冷静的性格和B型血变化无常的天性。The calm and unruffled personality of Type As, co-exist with the volatile nature of Type Bs.

看看他们看不到太大的变迁,生活朴实而安祥就好,只有你享受它才知道生活的美好。Take a look at this simple and unruffled life, only when you live it, can you know the happiness of it.

墨水般的深蓝色让人联想起临摹书法时的平静和安详。The calm when the blue-black couplet letting a person like ink remembers copy calligraphy and unruffled.

主人在布局房间时,充分考虑到自己的特色,保持了一种竟谧和安详。Host is when layout room, mature the characteristic to oneself, maintained a kind unexpectedly Mi and unruffled.

飞机迫降在八路军的管辖区,山口大佐不敢轻举妄动,准备先进入村子潜伏。Aircraft landing in the eighth route army jurisdictions, yamaguchi unruffled colonel, lurks ready to enter the village.

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突然间,琴上的一条弦断了,听众都吓了一跳,但他用其馀的三条弦继续拉下去。The audience gasped, but the master musician continued unruffled to play on the three remaining strings. Snap! -a second string broke.

不过,正如当时安详的伊拉克总理马基利所见到的那样,布什蜷缩在演讲台后的狼狈形象已被定格。But Bush is unlikely ever to escape the image of him cowering behind a lectern watched by an unruffled Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki.

但是,在去年十一月组阁的总理阿披实•威差奇瓦的领导下,民主党在辩论中沉着应对,顺利过关。But the Democrat Party, led by the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, who took office last December, emerged from the debate largely unruffled.

一伙特工包围了图书馆,高寒临危不乱与特工发生短暂的枪战,随后找了一个机会带着冯汉南坐车逃跑。A group of agents surrounded the library, alpine unruffled and agents a brief gunfight, then got a chance with Feng Hannan in the car to escape.

一群火烈鸟往往有几万只甚至十几万只,它们或在湖水中游泳,或在浅滩上徜徉,神态悠闲安详。A group of flamingos often tens or hundreds only only, they or in the lake water swimming, or in the shallows garden, carefree demeanor unruffled.

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最后她们将婴儿交给了其中一个医生,是克里奥尔人,他假装镇定的让自己用最平静的对病人的态度来告诉金妮,她的孩子很健康。Eventually they returned with one of the doctors, a big Creole, who assumed his most unruffled bedside manner to reassure Ginnie that the baby was well.

从消化亚洲金融危机的负面影响到化解“9?11”事件给对外贸易带来的冲击波,也都从容不迫地应对了。From digest the negative effects of the Asian financial crisis to defuse the "9, 11" incident to the shock waves caused by external trade, are unruffled response.

如果需要对此作出点回顾的话,长三角这一世界第6城市群,在SARS期间的从容不迫,和整个区域经济的活力,更让我感到难以忘怀。If a point needs to be recalled, serves the world's No. 6 city groups in the SARS period unruffled , and the regional economic vitality, and even I find it difficult to forget.