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过去,绿沙金石被人们错误地叫着“印度玉”。In the past, Green Aventurine has been miscalled "Indian Jade".

这种沙金石发光效果也被称之为“砂金石闪光”。The glistening effect of Aventurine is known as "aventurescence".

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将会有至少有一个例子黑色的方块,其中包含东陵。There will be at least one example in the box that contains black aventurine.

沙金石常用作幸运护身符,赌徒们特别喜欢这种宝石。Aventurine has been used as a lucky talisman and is a popular gem for gamblers.

因此,东陵可能是绿色,绿色,褐色,青色,白,蓝绿色和橙色。Hence aventurine may be green , greenish-brown, blueish-white, bluish green and orange.

砂金石掌握同情音调和光之语内所有蓝绿音调。Aventurine holds the tone of compassion along with all tones that are blue-green within the Language of Light.

沙金石是玉髓的一种,由多种发光矿物质微小内含物构成,从而使这种宝石具有了闪耀发光的效果。Aventurine is a Chalcedony that contains small inclusions of one of several shiny minerals which give the gem a glistening effect.

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众多水晶治疗学者都认为沙金石具有压惊、平心和心静之功效。Many crystal healers believe that Aventurine has the capacity to calm a troubled spirit, balance emotions and bring an inner peace.

Mila和Oa已请求他们的一个砂金石球去掌握光之语144个音调中所有蓝绿色性质的相关音调。Mila and Oa have requested that their one Aventurine sphere to hold all related tones of a blue-green nature in the 144 note Language of Light Scale.

砂金石滑面,我们给你们寄的样品被打掉是因为石头上有黑点,不过石头的颜色正是我们所期望的。On 68, the aventurine slide, the sample we sent you was rejected because of the black spots in the stone. The color of the stone however is what we are looking for.