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把它们放进一个盒子。Resort them into one box.

三亚是个旅游胜地。Sanya is a tourist resort.

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沙斯塔滑雪场滑雪区。Shasta Ski Resort ski area.

只有最后一次求助时才能大声喊叫。Shout only as a last resort.

这是个美丽的避暑胜地。It's a beauteous summer resort.

他们在海边的度假屋度过了夏天。They summered at a beach resort.

攀枝花肯定是一个“避冬”圣地。It is definitely a winter resort.

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这地方作为温泉胜地而著名。It is famous as a hotspring resort.

布赖顿是著名的海滨胜地。Brighton is a famous seaside resort.

我听说你建了一处KSW度假宾馆。I've heard you've built a KSW resort.

我们不排除诉诸武力的可能性。They felt obliged to resort to force.

也就没法一个个试了You cannot resort to trial and error.

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峨眉山是个不错的休养胜地。Emei mountain is a good health resort.

她们束手无测只能诉诸武力。They get no way but to resort to toce.

但这些都是万不得已的解决方案。But those are solutions of last resort.

我们住在苦巴拉德罗度假村。We stayed at the Melia Varadero Resort.

欢迎光临惠斯勒四季度假村。Welcome to Four Seasons Resort Whistler.

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布赖顿是南部地区最着名的海滨胜地。Brighton is a leading south coast resort.

海水浴场吸引了很多人。The swimming resort attracts many people.

韦茅斯主要来说是个度假胜地。Weymouth is principally a holiday resort.