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均来自西北大学。Bergmann, both from Northwestern.

西北大学位于伊利诺伊州埃文斯敦。Northwestern University, in Evanston, Ill.

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这个风景区位于北京的西北远郊。The scenic spot is on northwestern outskirts of Beijing.

凡赞德特是西北大学法学院院长。Van Zandt is dean of Northwestern University Law School.

伊利诺斯州西北大学J.L。凯洛格管理学院。J. L. Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University.

一些泛滥出的泥浆已经将西北侧山麓染成黑色。Some of these overflows have darkened the northwestern flanks.

1874年,在西北卡罗拉多,这个团队碰到了一个尤特人的营地。In 1874, the party came across a Ute camp in northwestern Colorado.

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祝西工大微软俱乐部八岁生日快乐!Wish Northwestern University Microsoft Club eight-year-old birthday!

在八月的夜晚北斗星将移动至天空的西北方向。The Big Dipper pops out into your northwestern sky on August evenings.

这个“蓝色的海洋”是大西北阳刚之气中,一抹难得的柔婉色彩。This Blue Seais a scarce soft color among northwestern masculine sights.

卢碧将沿副热带高压脊向东北移动。LUPIT will move NE in the northwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge.

位于新布朗斯维克省西北部的纳多家禽养殖场裁员175人。Nadeau Poultry Farm in northwestern New Brunswick is laying off 175 people.

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西北地区是我国生态环境十分脆弱的地区。Northwestern district is a region which is most fragile at eco-environment.

海面浮油西北方的尖端几乎触及密西西比三角洲。The northwestern tip of the oil slick almost touches the Mississippi Delta.

桂西北地区是右江盆地的主体部分。Northwestern Guangxi Province comprises the main part of the Youjiang basin.

莎莉嘉将沿副热带高压脊西北面向东北偏北移动。SARIKA will move NNE in the northwestern periphery of the subtropical ridge.

象头数有北部博茨瓦纳和西北津巴布韦的总和那么多。This population covers most of northern Botswana plus northwestern Zimbabwe.

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那所佛教寺院位于市郊的最西北角。On the extreme northwestern outskirts of the city stands the Buddhist temple.

据报道,梅拉华蒂已经被送往马来西亚西北部的槟榔屿一家医院接受治疗。She is now being treated in hospital on Malaysia's northwestern Penang island.

一名驯鹿牧人在西伯利亚西北方的河岸找到了牠。She was discovered by a reindeer herder on a river bank in northwestern Siberia.