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花括号压缩了一行或多行代码。The curly braces to encapsulate one or more lines of code.

最后我们学习了如何封装枚举中的值。Finally, we learned how to encapsulate values in enumerations.

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宏使您能够很容易地封装和重用模板脚本。Macros enable you to encapsulate template scripts and reuse them easily.

同样,使用服务定位器封装资源访问、以集合的形式使用服务定位器也是一个不错的想法。It is still a good idea to use service locators to encapsulate resource access.

服务的边界应当封装一项可重用、不受上下文约束的功能。The service's boundaries should encapsulate a reusable, context-free capability.

这些模式涉及了所部署的技术和组织行为。These patterns encapsulate both deployed technologies and organisational behaviours.

你无法将人类关于学习的经验限制在机械化的论调里。You cannot encapsulate the human experience of learning in some mechanistic pedantry.

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对制造业企业的业务模型进行语义抽象、封装业务级软构件,构建行业应用库。This paper proposes a semantic-based approach to abstract and encapsulate business mode.

服务对功能进行封装,此功能可以是业务功能或实用功能。Services encapsulate function, whether it is business function or common utility function.

可以使用称为中介子消息流的新构造来封装可重用的中介逻辑。A new construct called a mediation subflow can be used to encapsulate reusable mediation logic.

它提供了封装下属和经理之间的升级流程的能力。It provides the ability to encapsulate the escalation process between subordinates and managers.

这些类用于封装与阈值警报关联的信息、值和阈值。These classes encapsulate information, values, and thresholds associated with a threshold alert.

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为了封装这些函数,我们将创建另一个表示产品的视图模型类。To encapsulate these functions, we'll create another view-model class that represents a product.

最简单的方法就是在工厂模式中把代理类的建立封装起来。The simplest approach is to encapsulate the creation of the proxy class within the Factory pattern.

所谓的IP加密是将用于判断用户数据包合法性的必要信息封装在一个自定义的IP包头中。The so-called IP encryption is to encapsulate some essential message into a self-defined IP-header.

迭代器模式将提供一种通过对象集合或对象数组封装迭代的方法。The iterator pattern provides a way to encapsulate looping through a collection or array of objects.

这两个服务会封装以文档为中心的自定义应用程序可能采用的典型操作。These two services encapsulate typical actions which document-centric, custom applications might take.

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或许,你还可以对自然语言进行解析,然后把推文打包成元数据,然后推出去。Or perhaps, you could parse the natural language, encapsulate the tweet in meta data and go from there.

但是,在需要把逻辑封装到自己的范围内的情况下,闭包会十分有用。Closures, however, can be useful in any context where we need to encapsulate logic inside its own scope.

他还推荐集中编写事件处理器,只在必要的情况下将状态封装到客户化Widget中。He also recommends to centralize event-handling and only encapsulate state into custom-widgets when needed.