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随后我告诉了麦克.麦克拉蒂。Then I told Mack McLarty.

那就是刀客迈可吗?Is the someone Mack the knife?

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“嗨,闪电,”阿麦叫他。"Hey, Lightning, " called Mack.

马克·塞内特,电影制片人。Mack Sennett, the movie producer.

梅克正在和他的朋友唐聊天。Mack is talking to his friend Don.

大个子麦克总是在吃热狗比赛中获胜。Big Mack always wins the hotdog-eating contest.

七年的背运我有个非常迷信的朋友名叫麦克。I have a very superstitious friend called Mack.

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麦克和朱蒂都是企业主。研讨会开始前两人在聊天。Mack and Judy are business owners chatting before a seminar.

麦克建议写一封信给那份报的编辑。Mack suggestes writing letter to the editor of the news paper.

两名澳洲人,梅克和吉儿,正在袋鼠岛上露营。Two Australians, Mack and Jill, are camping on Kangaroo Island.

“至少,这一面是剪过的,”麦克先生说。" They have been shorn on this side, at any any, " said Mr. Mack.

“至少,它们的这侧被剪过。”麦克先生说。"They have been shorn on this side, at any rate, " said Mr. Mack.

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Mack和Patterson在警卫室查看,没有看到任何人。Mack and Patterson look around the Guard Room. They don’t see anyone.

狱警Patterson和Mack跑上过道告诉他,“狱长,他们刚刚找到了Bellick。”C.O.s Patterson and Mack run down the tier, “Warden, they just found Bellick.”

哨兵骑士似乎并利用电晕极光带麦克恢复生机。The Sentinel Knight appears and uses the Corona Aurora to bring Mack back to life.

经过别动队遇到一个病毒,麦克作出了惊人的发现对自己。After the Rangers encounter a virus, Mack makes a startling discovery about himself.

Pope挂断电话,叫Becky命令狱警Mack在停车场查找Bellick的卡车。Pope hangs up and asks Becky to have C.O. Mack check the parking lot for Bellick’s truck.

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摩根史坦利投资公司已证实约翰·马克将于年底辞掉主席一职。Morgan Stanley confirmed that John Mack would step down as chairman at the end of the year.

麦克和他那两位朋友来到广场时,我们准是让他感到很不舒服。When Mack walked out onto the plaza with two of his friends, we must have caused him heartburn.

彭眉胥,一次又一次,在曼图亚看见维尔姆泽被俘,在亚历山大看见梅拉斯被俘,在乌尔姆看见麦克被俘。Pontmercy saw Wurmser at Mantua, Melas, and Alexandria, Mack at Ulm, made prisoners in succession.