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这车乘起来很平稳。The car rides smoothly.

这支钢笔书写流畅。The pen writes smoothly.

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这支笔写起来很顺利。The pen writes smoothly.

船走得很安稳。The boat sailed smoothly.

机器运转平稳。The machine runs smoothly.

我的新钢笔写起来很滑顺。My new pen writes smoothly.

也许可以顺利的得到实现。Maybe it'll all work smoothly.

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工作正在顺利进行。The work is going on smoothly.

译笔流畅。The translation reads smoothly.

你的笔写起来很顺溜。Your pen writes quite smoothly.

这项工程进行得不太顺利。The project did not go smoothly.

工作进行得很得手。The work went on quite smoothly.

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这支新钢笔写起来很流畅。The new pen writes very smoothly.

目前该车的测试非常顺利。The vehicle's test went smoothly.

这种药物很容易咽下去。This medicine goes down smoothly.

句子不通顺。The sentence doesn't read smoothly.

慢慢地、柔柔地、平顺地、轻轻地。Slowly, softly, smoothly and lightly.

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每把刀都可以单手顺利打开。Each knife opened smoothly one handed.

他还没学会流畅地拉琴。He hadn't learned to bow smoothly yet.

第一,力保干线公路畅通。To guarantee the trunk highway smoothly.