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斯潘塞谴责自己。Spencer blamed himself.

我们让斯潘赛作谢饭祷告。We asked Spencer to pray.

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现在我们来谈谈斯宾塞·约翰逊博士。Enter Dr. Spencer Johnson.

斯宾瑟、你怎么会来的?。Spencer?What are you doing here?

赖丘,赖丘·斯本森,你是?Latrell. Latrell Spencer. And you are?

读到了一篇撒里比论斯宾塞的文章。I was reading an essay by Saleeby on Spencer.

但斯宾塞特蕾西仍然爱她的生活。But Spencer Tracy remained the love of her life.

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你有没有惠顾过马莎?Have you ever been patronize in Marks & Spencer?

“你可能会迷失在互联网中,”斯潘塞说。"You can get lost on the Internet, " says Spencer.

来自阿拉巴马的共和党议员斯潘塞·巴克斯和来自乔治亚州的汤姆·普莱斯这样说Alabama Republican Spencer Bachus, and Georgia's Tom Price

在10种最咸的超市沙拉中,马拉百货占了7席。Marks & Spencer had seven of the 10 saltiest supermarket salads.

珀西。勒巴伦。斯宾塞发明了微波炉。Percy LeBaron Spencer is the man who invented the microwave oven.

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圣皮埃尔听到斯宾塞女士讲这些的时候也羞涩地笑了笑。Mr. St-Pierre smiled sheepishly as Ms. Spencer recounted the story.

威廉·斯宾塞阁下将于下周一来我校访问。The Honorable William Spencer will visit our university next Monday.

1978年生于肯特郡的乡村,并在那里长大。Spencer Murphy was born in 1978 and grew up in the Kentish countryside.

这些发现与布里斯托尔大学卡伦•斯宾塞的发现形成了互补。These discoveries complement those of Karen Spencer at Bristol University.

这些自愿者在英国索尔福德一个公园给美国艺术家图尼克拍照。The volunteers posed for American artist Spencer Tunick in a park in Salford.

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当我得知我们要去的是马克·斯班塞卖场时,才醒悟到原来的设想只是自己在发梦罢了。I was completely devastated when I learned we were going to Marks and Spencer.

斯宾塞设计一个金属箱里,他与开放,微波功率的豢养。Spencer designed a metal box with an opening into which he fed microwave power.

他马上停下来,最后发现口袋里的巧克力棒居然开始融化。Spencer paused and found that a chocolate bar inhis pocket had started to melt.