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这是一个老朽的人。He was a decrepit man.

英国音乐呈现出感伤怀旧、暮气沉沉、行将就木的景象。The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund.

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房子已经破旧不堪,好像随时都会倾塌。The house is so decrepit as it would collapse in any minute.

他朝她点点头,坐下,厌恶地环顾了破旧的酒吧。He nodded at her and sat, looking around with distaste at the decrepit bar.

比尔骑着一匹劣马走过街道,那马摇摇晃晃地简直随时会趴下来。Bill rode past the street on a horse that looked decrepit and about to collapse.

疯子亨利独自隐居在市镇边缘一处颓废之所。Mad Henry was a hermit who lived alone in a decrepit mansion at the edge of town.

尽管如此,此次空袭行动并非萨利赫先生手下落后的苏联时期的空军所为。The strike, though, was not the work of Mr. Saleh’s decrepit Soviet-era air force.

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还有其它的理由和原因助长了目前的衰颓状况嘛?Are there more contributing reasons and causes for the current decrepit state of things?

我路过一个姑娘,她扶着她的老祖母在慢慢的散步。I walked past a young woman slowly walking arm in arm with her old, decrepit grandmother.

后院是混杂的破旧柚木家具,几块草地和一把拍动状的伞。The back yard was a mélange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella.

后院是一个放杂物的地方,破旧的柚木家具,块状的碎玻璃,和可以作为打击物的伞。The back yard was a mélange of decrepit teak furnishings, lumpy grass and a beat-looking umbrella.

大体上讲,伦达孜宁谧、些许古旧,至少在干旱季节,总是尘土飞扬。For the most part, Lundazi is quiet, mildly decrepit and, in the dry season at least, always dusty.

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挂在墙上、靠在长板凳上、躺在破旧棺木里的,是将近2000个死者。Hanging from the walls, propped on benches, resting in their decrepit boxes, are nearly 2,000 dead.

但他们很快就约好了在杰克的公寓拍照的日期,那是一个和校园隔了一个街区的“破旧老地方”。But they soon set a date for a shoot at Jack's apartment, a "decrepit old place" a block from campus.

杜库乘坐其怪异的星际帆船,来到科洛桑一个破败的仓库地区。Aboard his exotic interstellar sail ship, Dooku traveled to a decrepit warehouse district on Coruscant.

一个有事业心的人是一个开车路过破落的街市能想到新的房产开发的人。An enterprising person is the one who drives through an old decrepit part of town and sees a new housing development.

走进阅览室的时候我还是个快乐健康的人,而出来的时候则是以一个老朽之身爬了出来。When I walked into that reading-room, I was a happy and healthy man, but when I crawled out I became a decrepit wreck.

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如果是在远古的时代,我徒步走向你,必定从一个风华正茂的少年成为一个风烛残年的老者才能与你手牵。If it is in the ancient times, I walk to you, must be from a young teenager into a decrepit old man to get to your hand.

由泰拉克国王率领的劫掠者抓走了许多伊渥克人作为奴隶,带回他们在平原上的破败城堡。The Marauders, led by King Terak, captured many Ewoks to take as slave prisoners back to their decrepit castle in the plains.

虽然,罗斯福当时没有死去,回到美国后就一直体弱多病,甚至多年卧床不起。Though Roosevelt didn't die, he returned to America in a decrepit state, and for many years was often unable to leave his bed.