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有时,它向着天空,仿佛奥维德笔下的人物。Toward the sky at times, like the man in Ovid.

这句话是希腊诗人奥维德说的,他说得没错。Ovid , the Greek poet, said that, and he was right.

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我叫它卢西安霍里斯欧韦弗尔吉。I have named him. I call him Lucian Horace Ovid Virgil.

奥维德的描述只有四个时代,漏掉了英雄时代。Ovid describes only four ages, omitting the Age of Heroes.

“他的艺术隐藏了它的艺术”,就像奥维德说起他的皮格马利翁一样。"His art conceals its art", as Ovid says of his Pygmalion.

我却被迫和你远离,这是奥维狄乌斯所无法理解的。I have been banished from you, and that is something Ovid could not understand.

画作基调基本遵循奥维德的思想,但是这中间也充溢着提香自己的特有的渲染手法。It is also broadly based on Ovid , but brimming over with Titian's own poetic invention.

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提香所做的,就是把奥维德描述的某一,或者某几个场景定格。What Titian has done is to insert a moment, or, more like, a freeze-frame, into Ovid 's account.

她提到,现在在孩子睡前,她可以给他们读奥维德的诗,再讲苏斯博士的故事。"I will now read my children Ovid before they go to sleep, before I read them Dr. Seuss, " Savino adds.

“这幅画没有描述奥维德所写的意外死亡”,他说,“这是一幅关于谋杀的画作,并且是非常卑鄙的。"This is not a depiction of the accidental death that Ovid wrote about, " he says. "It is a painting about a murder, and a very nasty one at that.

荷马,维吉尔,品达尔和奥维德的语言,成为弥尔顿文学想象还有文学觉悟中,无法摆脱的一部分。The language of Homer and of Virgil and of Pindar and of Ovid had become an inextricable part of his literary imagination and of his consciousness in general.

就像2000年以前的诗人奥维德一样,上世纪六十年代的社会学家们也接受了这一文化箴言,害羞的女性能够增加她们的受欢迎度。Like the Roman poet Ovid 2, 000 years earlier, social scientists in the 1960s accepted the cultural lore that women could increase their desirability by being coy.

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笔者认为,奥维德抛弃战火的庄重而落笔于暖玉温香,与当时的社会、历史背景有着密不可分的联系。This thesis argues that the fact that Ovid abandoned the sober motif but absorbed in the love was relative to the society and history background of his times indivisibly.

据说在19世纪它经历了一次修葺,一致沿用至今,和它风格一脉相承的建筑虔诚地围绕在其脚边,形成了一个非常热闹的集市。It is said that in the 19th century it experienced a repair, still used today, and its consistent style of Ovid buildings around the pious feet and formed a very busy bazaars.