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第二部分论述了形容词的有无标记性问题。The second part discusses the markedness of adjectives.

本文重点对词汇学中的标记现象和标记理论进行了研究。This study seeks to analyse Markedness Theory in the area of lexics.

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句式的标记程度反映它在结构上复杂性。The degree of markedness of a sentence reflects its complexity in structure.

因此,标记性对语言分析的各个层面上都有价值。Therefore, markedness is valuable for various levels of linguistic analysis.

两种语言的人称性别名词都有标记颠倒和中和的现象。Markedness reversals and neutralization occur to personal gender nouns in both languages.

本文旨在探讨标记理论在母语迁移中的发展及其启示。The paper focuses on the development and inspiration of the Markedness Theory applied in Li transfer.

原型效应常以“标记”来描述,因此,语言不对称现象也是一种标记现象。Prototype effect is embodied as markedness, therefore language asymmetry is also the phenomenon of markedness.

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本研究探究母语为汉语的学生习得英语进行体时,其过渡语中母语时体特征的表现方式和发展趋势。This thesis attempts a systematic analysis of English progressive and an exploration of its markedness in use.

本研究旨在从语言标记性角度考察中国英语学习者的英语时体使用情况。This thesis aims to examine English tense-aspect use by Chinese EFL learners from the perspective of markedness.

最终,通过对测试卷的结果进行分析来获得标记性和语言词汇习得困难的相关性。The correlation between markedness and vocabulary acquisition difficulty is obtained through the analysis of the test papers.

成年毛白杨从上部至基部各部位组织的成熟程度减小,其中基部和其它各部位间的差异显著,上,中、下各部位间的差异不显著。Mature degree minishs from upside to grass roots of grown poplar. Difference is markedness between grass roots and the other part.

故本研究着重于语言标记性对于中国英语学习者使用英语时体的影响。The study reported in this thesis focuses on the effect of linguistic markedness on Chinese EFL learners'English tense-aspect use.

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调查结果表明,英语时体的标记性与学习者的时体使用情况存在着紧密的联系。The results indicate a close link between markedness in English tense-aspect and learners'systematic variation in tense-aspect use.

第二部分对三类标题在标题标记性、标题句式结构上的差异作了定量考察。The second part makes quantitative inspection on differences of the three kinds of headlines in the markedness and the sentence structure.

本文尝试从词汇语义学的角度,以标记理论为基础,研究汉语反义词中的不对称现象。The paper tries to study the asymmetry of antonym in Chinese from the perspective of lexical semantics and on the basic of markedness theory.

玉米留茬地与免耕菜地的粗糙度较小,且分别与其他三个处理存在显著差异。The stubble land of corn and no-tillage of vegetable land's roughness is less and they are separately markedness with else three managements.

然而,在性别名词的使用中,英汉两种语言都有标记不对称和标记颠倒的现象。However, in both English and Chinese, it is not unusual that asymmetry as well as markedness reversals occur in the use of personal gender nouns.

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标记理论是布拉格学派首先提出的,其核心是标记概念,它是指语言中的一种对立和不对称现象。Markedness theory is advanced by the Prague School and its key concept is marked-ness , which refers to a phenomenon of opposition and asymmetry.

本文从语用角度对标记理论做了进一步研究,并尝试将该理论应用于翻译质量量化评估。This thesis furthers the study of markedness theory in terms of pragmatics, and attempts to apply this theory to numerical translation assessment.

标记程度是一个相对值,根据侯提出的“关联—标记模式”,标记程度与关联程度成反比。Markedness degree is a relative term. According to Hou's Relevance-Markedness Model, markedness degree is in inverse ratio to the relevance degree.