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关怀弱势团体。Care for the disadvantaged groups.

在弱势地区家庭的孩子仍然处于劣势。Children from disadvantaged homes are still falling behind.

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学校可以给那些弱势孩子提供定制化的帮助。Schools can proffer tailor-made help for those disadvantaged children.

在此制度下,小党和第三党候选人被置于不利地位。Under this system, minor and third-party candidates are disadvantaged.

帮助弱势群体维咔奇责无旁贷。That helping disadvantaged groups is the indispensable duty of WEIKAQI.

这些国家由于金融危机而受到严重损失。These countries have been seriously disadvantaged by the financial crisis.

谷德维尔致力于残疾成年人的教育和事业服务。Goodwill focuses on education and career services for disadvantaged adults.

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志愿工作并非仅仅局限在帮助贫困的弱势群体上。Volunteer work does not have to focus only on helping the poor and disadvantaged.

他们也是印度国内经济和政治上最为弱势的少数民族。It is also one of India's most economically and politically disadvantaged minorities.

我能亲自和农村公社,贫困团休,处在不幸中的人会面。I was able to personally meet rural communities, disadvantaged groups, persons in distress.

在英国,进入经济落后地区,也可察觉相似的下降。A similar decline is visible in the UK as one goes to more economically disadvantaged areas.

时不时地会有大量关于穷人及弱势群体的宣传报道见诸媒体。There's been a lot of publicity given, from time to time , to the poor and the disadvantaged.

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看来能移,现在看得见了吗,你的位置最不好了,但你也能看见吧Yes, I can. Now, can you now-- you're the most disadvantaged person and you can see it, right?

农民在农地征收过程中处于明显的弱势地位。Framers stand in the disadvantaged position in the process of expropriating the cultivated land.

发达国家应该不遗余力地资助贫国。Developed nations should spare no effort to finance their economically disadvantaged counterparts.

本文就家庭视角评述国外关于处境不利儿童的社会性发展有关研究。This paper reviews foreign studies on social development of family-related disadvantaged children.

我们将调研从经济背景到环境因素,这些问题的起因。We will investigate the causes and effectsfrom disadvantaged backgrounds to environmental factors.

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你的捐赠将被用来为那些身体条件不好,因为药物治疗脱发的儿童制作假发。Your donation is used to make hairpieces for disadvantaged children experiencing medical hair loss.

曾经与富足相连的疾病现在却主要集中发生在贫困以及弱势群体中。Diseases once associated with abundance are now heavily concentrated in poor and disadvantaged groups.

农业是弱势产业,农村是弱势地区,农民是弱势群体。Agriculture is a weak industry, villages are disadvantaged areas, and farm- ers are unprivileged groups.