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他如饥似渴地读着报纸。He read through the newspaper thirstily.

他如饥似渴地读着报纸。He read throught the newspaper thirstily.

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他饥渴地喝着岩石下水潭中的水。He drank thirstily from the pool under the rock.

他很口渴地把整瓶可乐都喝了.He drank the whole bottle of coco-cola thirstily.

我给了他一杯水,他大口喝下去。I gave him a glass of water and drank it thirstily.

他饥渴万分地把给他的那杯水喝完了。I gave him a glass of water and he drank it thirstily.

我给了他一杯水,他如饥似渴地把它喝掉了。I gave him a glass of water and the drank it thirstily.

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他饥渴万分地把我给他的那杯水喝完了.I gave him a glass of water and the drank it thirstily.

口渴的我们分着喝一瓶水。We drank thirstily from the bottle that was passed around.

他们寻求愉快的工作环境,渴望通过工作得到乐趣。They seek amused working environment, and find fun thirstily through working.

如果感觉口渴,可饮用白开水及一些没有刺激性的茶水。If feels thirstily , may drink the plain boiled water and some does not have the irritant tea.

在她的家庭里,她有着令人窒息的影响力一她的自尊心永远需要关注,就像向日葵急切地向着天空而转动。She was a repressive influence on her family—her ego in need of constant attention, like a sunflower turned thirstily skywards.

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热毒内盛、发热口渴、心中烦闷、大便秘结者可以食川。In the painfully hot sun abundant, gives off heat, in the heart worried, the constipation to be possible thirstily to eat Sichuan.

他们可以是自然的,得到充分发挥的蔬菜,在它们理想的环境中,阳光温暖着它们的叶,风儿吹抚着它们的茎,渴了的根将雨水一饮而尽。They could be natural, fully realized vegetables in their ideal setting with the sun warming their leaves, the wind in blowing through their stems, rain gulped thirstily by their roots.