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这在经济上是不可行的。It'll be economically unfeasible.

因此,我觉得这概念是行不通的。To me, this is an unfeasible idea.

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从政治方面来看,这似乎是最不可行的拯救方法。Politically, this seems unfeasible save in modest quantities.

在此情况下,需要记录所有测试用例步骤的时间可能不能实行。In this case, the time required to record the steps for all of the test cases might be unfeasible.

提出用干涉区域自动生成系统来识别不容易被加工的关键区域。A system that can automatically identify critical regions of sculptured part sur face that are unfeasible for machining is presented.

虽然这些生灵极具韧性、但更多却是危在旦夕,只想图个温饱与苟延。Although these creatures are tenacious, there are more dangers waiting for them. It is usually an unfeasible prospect to adequate food.

但是现在居住在所谓的“可以自在驱车的郊区”变得越来越不现实,持续高涨的油价使得长途通勤对于许多人来说难以支付。But the so-called "driveable suburb" is becoming increasingly unfeasible as soaring fuel costs make a long commute too expensive for many.

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对待石油则不必如此严苛,因为Hansen认为要使我们在如此短的时间内脱离对石油的依赖是不可能实现的。Oil doesn't get the same harsh treatment because Hansen thinks the idea of weaning ourselves off of oil in such short order is unfeasible.

分析具体案例可知,司法认识作为一种法律规范下的认识,应严格遵循现行法律,彻底否认现行法律并不可取。With the help of the hard cases, the author concluded that judicial cognition is one regulated by law and it is unfeasible denying the present law.

中国水利资源部部长汪恕诚说,该计划是“不可能的、不切实际的,也是不科学的”,“是不会得到政府支持的”。China's Minister for Water Resources, Wang Shucheng, said the proposal was "unnecessary, unfeasible and unscientific, and had no government backing."

这项浩大的工程至少花费了几个月甚至几年的时间,那么这就不可能是基德埋藏宝物的地方。The enormity of the project suggests work lasted several months at least, probably several years, which makes it unfeasible that it might be Kidd's treasure.

薪金上限制度在美国体育界很平常,但是英超联盟首席执行官理查德·斯丘达莫尔说,美国的体制在英格兰行不通。Salary caps are common in American sports, but the English Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore said the US system would be unfeasible in England.

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结果表明由乙醇和CO2直接合成DEC的反应在热力学上是不可行的,需要设计其他反应路线。The results showed that the direct synthesis of DEC from C2H5OH and CO2 is unfeasible thermodynamically. Thus, it is necessary to design other reaction route.

民意测验显示,在大多数富裕国家的子民已经认为移民太多,继续增加可能会引起政治动荡。Public opinion polls show that people in most rich countries already think that immigration is too high. Further big increases would be politically unfeasible.

吻合术对于输血来说难以实行,但它为成功进行器官移植铺平了道路,卡雷尔因此获得1912年的诺贝尔奖。The procedure proves unfeasible for blood transfusions, but paves the way for successful organ transplantation, for which Carrel receives the Nobel Prize in 1912.

不论从政治角度还是经济角度,特别提款权的承销国都不可能发行足够的SDR来与全球外汇储备中的其他硬通货相抗衡。It will be politically and financially unfeasible for countries underwriting SDRs to issue enough to rival other hard currencies held in global foreign exchange reserves.

球场于1933年开始动工,但财政的窘迫导致工程无法完全按照原来的设计进行,很快就宣告中止。Construction work began on the stadium in 1933 but was soon halted when it became abundantly clear that the sheer size of the original project made it financially unfeasible.

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所有病例的血管摄影显示指动脉多灶性损害,因此微细血管的重建是不可行的。In all cases, angiography showed multifocal arterial lesions, so microvascular reconstruction was unfeasible. Peripheral sympathectomy was performed as a salvage procedure to prevent digit amputation.