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他肌肉过劳。He had a muscular strain.

你会拉伤或过度用力吗?Can you strain or over exert?

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除去香料包,滤渣。Disgard spice bag and strain.

这增加了膝关节的劳损。This increases strain on the knee.

不要绷直你身体任何部位。Don't strain any part of your body.

过度劳累开始损害他的健康。Strain began to tell on his health.

滤去蛋奶沙司中的颗粒。Strain the custard to remove lumps.

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拉力、展边效果特别大。High-effect for strain and expansion.

张力和纵向位移。Strain and longitudinal displacement.

家0.75盎司柠檬力娇酒,摇合后滤入杯子。Add 0.75 Limoncello, shake and strain.

加入波士咖啡滤入杯子里。Add Bols Coffee and strain into glass.

我张紧我的心,伸出我的手。I strain my heart, I stretch my hands.

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适用于腕关节扭伤。Indicated for wrist strain and sprain.

认为是优良芽变新株系。It seems to be a new promising strain.

过响的声音会损伤你的听力。Too loud sound would strain your ears.

混合阿冰块,充分摇合,滤入冰过的玻璃杯。Combine with ice, shake well and strain.

他因紧张而失去信心。His confidence cracked under the strain.

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我们培育出了一种优良的稻种。We have developed a fine strain of rice.

加0.5盎司柠檬酒,摇合后滤入杯子。Add 0.50 oz Limoncello, shake and strain.

一小时后我们滤除第一锅汤。In an hour we strain the first broth off.