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犬瘟一般是致命的。Distemper is often fatal.

纯合子是致命的。The homozygous form is fatal.

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这是决定波拿巴命运的数字。It is Bonaparte's fatal number.

在这些病例中,有239例已经死亡。Of these cases, 239 were fatal.

在这些病例中,有311例已经死亡。Of these cases, 311 were fatal.

被疯狗咬伤会致死的。The bite of a mad dog is fatal.

安格尔曾经犯了一个致命的错误。Ingres had made a fatal mistake.

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那几乎是一个致命的错误。That was a nearly fatal mistake.

他有致命的癌症MEN2B。Or he had the fatal cancer MEN2B.

在这个阶段,退赛是致命的。At this stage, a DNF would be fatal.

对人类的爱于我是致命的。Love of mankind would be fatal to me.

在132例中,有127人已经死亡。Of the 132 cases, 127 have been fatal.

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所以致命错误是非常大的问题。So fatal errors are a pretty big deal.

这不就是“致命的自负”?Is this not the fatal conceit magnified?

邓贵大因伤势严重,经抢救无效死亡。Dengguida died of fatal wound after rescue.

良性肿瘤不会对你有致命的伤害。Carcinoid doesn't has a fatal harm for you.

主动脉的破裂可能是致命的。A rupture of the aorta is likely to be fatal.

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罕见的是,腮腺炎有时是致命的。It is rare, but mumps can sometimes be fatal.

就其本身而言,这样的外推法并非是致命的。In itself, such extrapolation is hardly fatal.

这场致命事故现在已经成为了核能利用的经典反面教材。The fatal events are now part of nuclear lore.