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达西先生耸了耸身子。Mr. Darcy bowed.

我鞠躬还礼。I bowed in return.

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他屈伏下去了吗?Did he remain bowed?

他因年迈而垂头。Age had bowed his head.

但是,恺低着头,默默无语。But Kay bowed her head.

这副重担把他压垮了。The load bowed him down.

他被恭敬地接进了出租汽车。He was bowed into a taxi.

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他被点头哈腰地送上出租车。He was bowed into a taxi.

他向这位女作家点点头。He bowed to the authoress.

他们都俯首帖耳了。They all bowed submission.

我们向皇后鞠躬致敬。We all bowed to the Queen.

他向女王躬身行礼。He bowed down to the Queen.

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我们向佛膜拜致敬。We bowed before the Buddha.

他向我鞠了个躬,向前走去。He bowed to me and passed on.

安塔芮丝人卫兵向他鞠躬行礼。The Antarian guard bowed low.

她在这项决定下屈服了”。She bowed before the decision.

他一边向后退,一边鞠着躬,真是一种讽刺的谦恭。He bowed in sarcastic deference.

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他们羞愧地低下头来。They bowed their heads in shame.

他向我鞠躬表示他衷心的谢意。He bowed me his heartiest thanks.

她向她的朋友告别。She bowed farewell to her friend.