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他是一个粗暴而惧内的男人。He is a man rude but henpecked.

他是个典型的“妻管严”。He is a typical henpecked husband.

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别这么“妻管炎”,让她知道你才是老大。Don't be henpecked. Show her you're the boss!

结婚后他完全变成了“气管炎”。After getting married, he turns to be henpecked.

人们把那个怕老婆的男人叫“妻管严”。People refer the man who was afraid of his wife as henpecked.

他说他是怕老婆的,但讨厌的工作却是他的妻子做。A henpecked husband is one who always agrees to do what his wife wants.

不过,怕太太的丈夫应该要避免在下午吵架。Henpecked husbands should, however, steer clear of having a row mid-afternoon.

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然而,怕老婆的丈夫应该避免在午后和老婆发生争吵。Henpecked husbands should, however, steer clear of having a row mid-afternoon.

虽然上海男人被戏谑为“妻管严”,但他并不屈从于妻子。Although Shanghai men are bantered as henpecked husband, they do not submit to their wives.

虽然上海男人被戏谑为妻管严,但他并不屈从于妻子。Although Shanghai men are bantered as henpecked husbands, they do not submit to their wives.

虽然上海男人被戏谑为“妻管严”,但他并不屈服于妻子。Although Shanghai men are bantered as henpecked husbands. They do not submit to their wives.

今天他一定不会多喝酒,因为他怕老婆,他的老婆是有名的“母老虎”。He certainly won't drink much, because he is a henpecked man while his wife is a famous tigress.

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他将之比作婚姻关系,妻子颐指气使而丈夫唯唯诺诺。He compared the situation to a marriage in which the wife was bossing around her henpecked husband.

有认为林肯很可能是同性恋的学者,或者一个无神论者,或者忧郁,或者惧内。There are scholars who argue that Lincoln probably was gay, or an atheist, or depressed, or henpecked.

在唐代社会,士大夫惧内是一个值得关注的现象。It is a notable phenomenon that scholar-bureaucrats henpecked in the Tang dynasty, Whose formation has deep social reasons.

有一天,将军要带兵出征,却怕老婆讨客兄,于是绑了一条贞操带在老婆身上。One day general to lead troops to battle, but customer review henpecked brother, then tied up his wife in a chastity belt body.

一群怕老婆的人在一起聚会,商量一个不怕老婆的办法以正一正做丈夫应有的纲纪。Gathering together a group of people henpecked, to discuss an approach to being a henpecked husband is doing should be discipline.

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你事业受挫时,情绪低落时,你怕家人担心,怕老婆惦记或者干脆看不起你。When you are the cause of frustration, depression, you are afraid of family members worry, henpecked remembered or simply look down upon you.

惧内现象昭示着男权文化的式微及妇道教化的失败,也体现了妇女对低下社会地位的不满,对一夫多妻制的反抗。The henpecked phenomena show clearly the failure of sexism and reveal plainly women's dissatisfaction of their humble social position and their resistance to polygamy.