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用磨刀石磨利。To sharpen on such a whetstone.

竞争磨炼才能。Competition is the whetstone of talent.

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这夏塔的草原可真是平坦如砥呀。The Xiata Grassland is as flat as a whetstone.

是磨刀石上镰刀的霍霍声。Thefinest edge is made withtheblunt whetstone.

夏塔的草原可真是平坦如砥呀!The Xiata Grasslands are as flat as a whetstone.

要保持剑的锋利就得时时磨拭,要保持头脑灵光就得看书。A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.

最锐利的锋刃是在粗糙的磨刀石上磨出来的。The finest edge in made with the rough blunt whetstone.

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最锐利的锋刃是从粗糙的磨刀石上磨出来的。The finest edge is made with the blunt whetstone. JOHN LYL.

机械工业中常用的天然磨具只有油石。Commonly used in machinery industry is only natural abrasives Whetstone.

在激烈的市场竞争中,有什么法宝可以令到企业长期保持竞争优势?。What whetstone can make you sharp edge when fighting in keen market competition?

没有比褒奖更好的磨刀石了,它能成就聪慧,鼓励学习的决心。There is no whetstone like praise, to sharpen a good wit and encourage a will to learn.

英格兰之音,是乡村铁匠铺里铁砧上的锤子的叮当声、是露珠欲滴的清晨秧鸡的鸣叫声、是磨刀石上镰刀的霍霍声。Then sounds of England, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy. The corncrake on the dewy morning. The sound of scythe against the whetstone.

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山上的女人们是我见过的干活最卖力的,他们教会了我如何发挥磨刀石的作用去磨刀,以及如何在小溪里的低温下安全的存储食物。The women on that mountain worked harder than any I'd ever met. They taught me the value of a whetstone to sharpen my knives, how to store food in the creek and keep it cold and safe.

我们的王有许多镰刀,永远在刈割祂的草地,磨刀霍霍之声,预告着要割去草的数种绿叶,和雏菊等一些杂在草中的野花。Our King has many scythes, and is perpetually mowing His lawns. The musical tinkle of the whetstone on the scythe portends the cutting down of myriads of green blades, daisies and other flowers.