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他是个大胆的投资者。He is a venturesome investor.

高盛是厚朴的一个投资者。Goldman is an investor in Hopu.

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一位大投资者则非常不满。A big investor is very displeased.

你们会问,怎样才算是合资格投资者呢You ask, what is an accredited investor?

那么,你属于哪种投资者和储蓄者呢?So, what kind of investor and saver are you?

那么作为切萨皮克能源公司的投资人又有什么辄儿?So what's a Chesapeake Energy investor to do?

这个股民被忽悠,买了垃圾股。The investor was bamboozled to buy junk bond.

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“银行里的排队最讨厌了,”投资者马克·斯隆说。“Bank lines,” said Mark Sloane , an investor.

否则投资者的恐慌将不会消散。Otherwise investor panic will not be dispelled.

可口可乐公司是一个傻瓜式收入的投资选择。Coca-Cola is a Motley Fool Income Investor pick.

杰里米格兰瑟姆是一个非常成功的投资者。Jeremy Grantham is a highly successful investor.

这个股民被忽悠,买了垃圾股。The investor are bamboozled to buy the junk bond.

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这个股民被忽悠,买了垃圾股。The investor was bamboozled into buying junk bond.

我们能给投资者优惠的待遇。We can provide preferential treatment to investor.

而投资者要自己发现为什么会发生这样的涨跌。It's up to the individual investor to find out why.

他们给他讲了很多关于投资者心理的东西They talked a lot to him about investor psychology.

相反地,它会让你成为一个更强更有悟性的投资者。It'll just make you a stronger and savvier investor.

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这个股民被忽悠,买了垃圾股。The investor was hoodwinked into buying junk stocks.

商联是一家领先的国际性机构投资者。CGU is a leading international institutional investor.

华富股中宝绝对是现今精明投资者的卓越工具。It is an excellent tool for the today's smart investor.