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荒诞的无目的性追求。Fantastic aimless is run after.

没有了目标,你就是漫无目的的。Without a target, you are aimless.

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她说她的生活好像没有目标。She said that her life seemed aimless.

投杯水于大海,徒劳无功。It is aimless to cast water into the sea.

难以辨认的潦草的笔迹。Illegible handwriting or aimless scribbling.

如果您喜欢的是漫无目的的旅行,那就赶紧出发吧。If you wanna a aimless journey, just set off now.

朴智星有时被批评他的无目的的跑动。Park has sometimes been criticized for aimless running.

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复习时要目标明确,决不能无的放矢。When revising you need clear targets – never be aimless.

这位年轻人过着没有目标的生活,整天醉生梦死。The young man is leading an aimless life, drinking all the day.

就可以获得自我解脱的加持。We obtain the blessing of aimless self-liberation of whatever arises.

作为个人,我们本人的决定是无目标的,或者说自我取消的。As individuals, our personal decisions remain aimless or self-canceling.

那个人呼喊著声明说他打算索回无目标的索赔。The man advertised in exclamation that he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.

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那个人吸喊着声明说他盘算索归无目的的索赚。The man proclaimed in exclamation that he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.

那个人呼喊著声明说他打算索回无目标的索赔。The man publicized in exclamation that he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.

那独立个体呼喊着声明说他打算索回无目的的索赔。The man proclaimed in exclamation those he aimed to reclaim the aimless claim.

今天,全球气候变暖谈判正滑向相似的深渊。Now, global climate change negotiations appear headed toward the same aimless end.

让我们不要盲目地担心未来,而使自己陷于身心交瘁的困境。Let us not turn it into a physical and mental hell by aimless worry about the future.

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它的书写枯燥无味,风格上死板学术,结构上漫无目的,其上榜让我惊讶。With its dry, academic style and aimless structure, I was surprised to see it on the list.

望着爸爸早已不再年轻的身影,泪水爬上眼眶悄悄漫出。Looking daddy already no longer young figure, tears climbed orbital quietly aimless and out.

因为他们是在漫无目的地涂抹,奢望于能意外地得到正确的结果。They amount to aimless daubing in the vain hope of somehow accidentally making the right one.