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请把那本词典给我。Give me the dictionary.

把那本词典扔给我。Throw me that dictionary.

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我的词典丢了。I have lost my dictionary.

我可以用你的词典吗?May I use your dictionary?

她是一本活字典。Shes a walking dictionary.

她是一标活字典。She's a walking dictionary.

他择选了一本字典给我。He chose a dictionary to me.

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他把我的词典扔了回来。He threw my dictionary back.

那本词典我看不懂。That dictionary is above me.

词典在书包里边。The dictionary isin the bag.

他把字典借给我。想知道新概念作文。He lent his dictionary to me.

你是活字典。You are a walking dictionary.

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在你的字典上查它。Look it up in your dictionary.

那本字典是属于我的。That dictionary belongs to me.

这本辞书很有效。The dictionary is very useful.

把字典放在书架上。Put the dictionary on the shelf.

她在翻字典。She was thumbing the dictionary.

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我们每人都有本字典。Every one of us has a dictionary.

我父亲买了本辞典给我。My father bought me a dictionary.

那本字典有许多插图。The dictionary had many pictures.