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我想我们不需要监护人。I don't think we need a chaperon.

我明天得在一场晚会上帮忙照应。I have to chaperon a party tomorrow.

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今晚,我妈妈是我的伴护兼守护者。My Mom is my chaperon and guardian tonight.

在野外郊游时教员常看护着班上的学生。Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips.

在野外郊游时老师常看护着班上的学生。Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips.

这个年轻女孩去任何地方都有监护人跟着。The young girl would go nowhere without her chaperon.

营员与领队老师或联络官员无亲属关系。Campers should not be related to the chaperon or liaison officer.

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女孩子都需要一个年长的人陪伴,没有割风先生,珂赛特就不可能来。Every girl needs a chaperon. Cosette could not have come without M. Fauchelevent.

我们委托孩子就读学校选派的领队老师作为孩子在境外期间的监护人。We authorize chaperon teachers from our child's school as guardian during this travel.

金本位让政客必须保持诚实,就好像一个高中生想去参加派对,但又不希望监护人在旁边。Just like if you go out on a date, if a high school kid goes on a date he doesn?t want a chaperon there.

卡马西平处理可以使HSP90乙酰化水平升高,并且破坏HSP90的分子伴侣功能。Cabamazepine treatment could induce a higher acetylation level of HSP90 and destroy its chaperon function.

不,还是把责任推到皮蒂姑妈身上更顺当些,她毕竟是一家之主,是监护人和道德仲裁人嘛。No, it was easier to shift the responsibility to Aunt Pitty, who after all was the head of the house, the chaperon and the arbiter of morals.

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2010年10月9号,从西部省来的气候大使在我们以及一个区教育厅的官员的陪同下来到了马拉博。On 9 October, 2010, the Climate Ambassadors from Western Province, accompanied by our chaperon and an officer from the District Education Office, went on a tour to Malabo.

这些女性不能自由行动,特别是,那些受到宗教团体要求的女性,必须待在家中,最多只能,在监护人的陪同下外出。These women are not free to move around, particularly those who are required by their religious community to remain in their homes and only go outside perhaps with their chaperon.