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没有冬路。No winter road.

冬天是白色的。Winter is white.

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冬天穿毛织品。Wool in the winter.

如果没有冬天。If we had no winter.

冬天焊接处由于“冷缩”破裂。It shrinks in winter.

寒假来了。Winter vacation came.

冬去春来。Spring follows winter.

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冬天雪花是白的。So the winter is white.

这是一个温和无雪的暖冬。This is a green winter.

冬季是冷酷。Winter is cold-hearted.

冬天里守在窗边。In winter by the window.

冬为夏之子。Winter is summer's heir.

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在大城市冬泳。Big city winter swimming.

我喜欢夏季和冬季。I like summer and winter.

冬天,中岛幸惠是很常见的。Snow is common in winter.

冬天在户外跑步?Running outside in winter?

你是冬日的暖阳。You are a winter warm sun.

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你们那里冬天时会下雪吗?Do you have snow in winter?

冬天一个冰寒的晚上。It was a cold winter night.

去年我们在那里过冬。We spent last winter there.