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等一下。One sec.

沉默8秒…暗牧可以去睡觉了…Silences the target for 8 sec.

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有人把秘密泄露出去了,。Some has disclosed the sec ret.

微波热绿菜叶15秒。Microwave the greens for 15 sec.

以利亚以每秒三十二英尺的速度前来。Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com.

克茨是该听证会上唯一的证交会雇员。Kotz is the only SEC employee set to testify.

第47秒,就在那一秒,我的心跳嘎然而止!Suddently, right at Sec. 47, MY HEART PAUSED!

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在现实中,它们很少攻击人类。In reality they seldom attack a human" in 25.94 sec.

持续30秒,队型改变过程中也能够运用。Lasts 30 sec . Drums can be used while shapeshifted.


当然,等等。哦,是巴巴拉·泰勒·布拉德福。Sure, wait a sec. Oh, it is Barbara Taylor Bradford.

但证交会和其它监管机构监督此举The SEC and other regulators have to watch for this.

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远距离射击,解除对方的武器,维持10秒。A long-range shot that disarms the target for 10 sec.

.D.是指公司财务信息的完全披露,这是证交会的一项规定F.D. stands for full disclosure -this is a SEC regulation.

是指公司财务信息的完全披露,这是证交会的一项规定F.D. stands for full disclosure -this is a SEC regulation.

使你的毒蛇钉刺的持续时间延长5.999秒。Increases the duration of your Serpent Sting by 5.999 sec.

菲莉丝·史密斯控制好速度,用51.32秒跑完了比赛,获得了参赛资格。Phyllis Smith ran a controlled race to qualify in 51.32 sec.

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强化治疗之触缩短吟唱时间0.5秒,谁还敢说我们唱得慢!熊掌伺候!Reduces the cast time of your Healing Touch spell by 0.5 sec.

紧跟在她后面的是刘玉英,成绩是10秒9。She was closely followed by Liu Yuying who times at 10.9 sec.

公司的地址是台北市安和路二段211号。The address of the company is 211 An-Ho Road, Sec. 2, Taipei.