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我有个堂兄弟在苏福斯。I got me a cousin in Sioux Falls.

苏人酋长是个很睿智的人。The Sioux chief is a very wise man.

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我们坐飞机去苏福尔斯瀑布并在中午到达。We flew to Sioux Falls and arrived at noon.

大平原苏人部落的首领西延·布尔。Sitting Bull, chief of the Sioux tribes of the Great Plains.

这正是苏族印第安人和夏安印第安人居住。This is where the Sioux Indians and the Cheyenne Indians lived.

那天早晨的伤膝谷有超过150人的苏族男人,妇孺死去。More than 150 Sioux men, women, and children died that morning at Wounded Knee.

他告诉警察,他把劳娜抛在了南苏城,现在他也不知她在哪了。He had dropped Laura off in South Sioux City, and now he had no idea where she was.

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劳娜被直升飞机运送到衣阿华州苏城附近的玛丽安健康中心治疗。The young woman was airlifted to the Marian Health Center in nearby Sioux City Iowa.

中西部的爱荷华州苏族市晨边学院有1000多名学生。In the Midwest, Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, has more than 1,000 students.

大加那利岛圣奥古斯丁主题公园苏城,一只雄性白化鳄鱼。A male albino crocodile is seen at the theme park Sioux City in San Agustin, Gran Canaria

简妮搭乘的飞机发生正面碰撞,坠入南达科他州苏福尔斯瀑布。Jenny had been involved in a head-on collision and was flown to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

道格一到南苏城的州警察局总部,立马就给唐尼•泰勒打去电话。As soon as he got to state police headquarters in South Sioux City, he phoned Donnie Taylor.

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在中西部,衣阿华州Sioux市的莫宁赛德学院,拥有1,000多名学生。In the Midwest, Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, has more than one thousand students.

伤膝谷是1890年政府士兵杀害了200多名苏族人的地方。Wounded Knee was where government soldiers killed more than two hundred Sioux in eighteen ninety.

来自爱荷华州苏城的爱丽森•斯托姆和她们四个童年好友分别住在五个州和四个时区。Alison Storm and four childhood friends from Sioux City, Iowa, live in five states in four time zones.

在苏城以下河流就进入平原区,河床变得弯曲,两岸形成广大沼泽。In Sioux City on the river into the plain, the river has become bending, cross-strait majority of swamp.

这块冰河时期遗留下来的巨石静静的躺在南达科他州夏安河苏族部落公园的草原上。A glacial remnant boulder is surrounded by grassland in Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Park in South Dakota.

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如果纳瓦霍人和苏族人早知道会发生什么,他们绝不会签订那些条约。If the Navaho and the Sioux had known what was coming for them, they never would have made those treaties.

美国南达科他州的松树岭印第安人保留地是奥格拉拉苏部落的家园。The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the American state of South Dakota is home to the Oglala Sioux Tribe.

她于1918年7月4日出生在苏市,她的父母给她取名叫以斯贴.波林.弗里德曼。She was born in Sioux City on July fourth, nineteen eighteen. Her parents named her Esther Pauline Friedman.