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它可以由习惯成自然。It ends by becoming bearable.

说你想要她们把最后一个月忍受下来。Say you wanted make their last month bearable.

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更不用说让电视能更耐看。Not to mention making television much more bearable to watch.

也只有它才让你关注的世界不那么乏味。And it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable.

别人能够忍受的事情,你不一定能够忍受得了。What might be bearable to someone else, may not be bearable to you.

为了这最后一个月的日子好过点,我还是答应了她这近乎无理取闹的要求。Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.

这种淡味的刺激物使得摩加迪沙生活的艰难略为好过。The mild stimulant makes the hardships of life in Mogadishu feel more bearable.

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但我告诉你们,当审判的日子,推罗西顿所受的,比你们还容易呢。But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you.

由于小孩天性的无知,他们觉得,这种威胁是可承受的。For little boys, with the certainty born of ignorance, are convincedthat such threats are bearable.

据了解,车内有床、水壶、电视以及无线电闹钟,可以让旅客们轻松“等待”。With a bed, kettle, TV, radio alarm clock, it boasts everything needed to make a long wait bearable.

幸运的是,我有一个非常好的指导师,厨师长劳拉做了非常多的班级结婚蛋糕。Luckily, we have a really great instructor. Chef Laura makes the wedding cake classes so much more bearable.

如果你还坚持着一个你并不喜欢的工作,那么在一切变得好起来前,这里有一些好的建议。If you're stuck in one you hate, here are a few ideas to make it bearable until something better comes along.

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好在此次面谈是由理查德·沃尔什主持,这大大增加了鲍尔的耐性。The fact that it was Richard Walsh conducting the after-action interview made it significantly more bearable.

跟一个人过一个辈子的想法在那个时期可以被人接受是因为那是人们40岁就已经是老人了。The idea of spending forever with someone was bearable because humans only lived until the ripe old age of 40.

我实在告诉你们、当审判的日子、所多玛和蛾摩拉所受的、比那城还容易受呢。I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.

驾驶一辆糟糕的赛车永远是不可忍受的。他是不够好,但这又恰恰是激励我去扭转局面。Driving a bad car is never bearable. It's never good enough, but I have this big motivation to turn things around.

在一些案例中,妇女的家人和朋友会表现的好像虐待是可以容忍的或完全否认它的存在。In some cases, the woman's family and friends may act as if the abuse is bearable or deny its existence altogether.

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她们一边喝着茶和拿铁,一边解释称,虽然污染是灾难性的,但目前还可以忍受。As they sipped teas and lattes, they explained how the pollution was devastating but bearable -- for the time being.

这是好事情,因为经过装饰的东西中只有那些质量低劣的才是可以容忍的。Thank goodness that this is the case, because these ornamented objects are only bearable in the shabbiest execution.

几个世纪以来我见证着爱情,也只有它才让你关注的世界不那么乏味。I've seen it. I've seen centuries and centuries of it. And it was the only thing that made watching your world bearable.