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小鸟已经长的羽毛丰满了。The baby bird has already grown its full plumage.

它们明艳的羽毛和优美的叫声给我们视听上的享受。Their bright plumage and beautiful songs delight us.

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黑羽红嘴的澳大利亚大型天鹅。large Australian swan having black plumage and a red bill.

然后他们停下来用嘴仔细地整理他们洁白的羽毛。Then, they stand about to preen their white plumage carefully.

你见过热带鸟类色彩斑斓的羽毛吗?Have you seen the bright ly-coloured plumage of tropical birds?

你见过热带鸟类色彩斑斓的羽毛吗?Have you seen the brightly-coloured plumage of tropical birds ?

乌鸦油黑滑亮的羽毛如同火炬里的煤油。The bird's black plumage shone like coal oil in the torchlight.

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很明显地成鸟很少或是没有羽色型别的差异。There is apparently little or no variation in plumage of adults.

孔雀通过展现羽毛上的重复图案吸引异性前来交配。Peacocks attract mates with the repeating patterns in their plumage.

我想母鸟的其他羽色特徵有许多相同的地方。I think there is much overlap in other plumage features of female-types.

我提议让唱着美丽羽毛的寒鸦当国王。I propose to make the Jackdaw king, because of the beauty of its plumage.

粉红胸鹨似乎在非繁殖羽时有粗而长的眉线。Rosy pipits seem to have broad and long supercilium in non-breeding plumage.

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虽然有部分橙,他们也有和棕色-橄榄羽毛。Though they are partially orange, they also have and brownish-olive plumage.

并且,在鸟类的羽毛的深浅和睾丸的深浅之间没有联系。There was no link seen between darkness of plumage and darkness of testicles.

飞累了,停息于海岸边伸展一下「四肢」,好不舒服。Tired of flying, a tern rests on the shore and preens its plumage in comfort.

这种爱情是一种百合花瓣和白鸽羽毛的收藏。This sort of love is a recollection of lily petals and the plumage of the dove.

驼鸟的翅翼鼓舞,牠的翼翎和羽毛岂表示慈爱?Can the wing of the ostrich be compared with the plumage of the stork or falcon?

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他脚上穿着草鞋,一只是用软蛇皮做的,另一只则是鸟羽做的。He had sandals on his feet, one of soft serpent-skin and the other of birds' plumage.

年轻雄莺不达到他们成年羽毛直到秋季第二年。Young male orioles do not achieve their adult plumage until autumn of their second year.

这些鸟闻名于它们大声的咯咯声,四趾的脚和鲜艳的羽毛。These birds are best known for their loud cackles, four-toed feet, and brilliant plumage.