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它们在那儿——大海鳗!There they are — the conger eels!

鱼贩子的女人吃海鳗。A fishmonger's wife may feed of a conger.

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直径较大的扩散皿测定铵态氮的结果比较高。The Conger the diameter, the higher the result.

大海鳗穿过水从四面八方过来了。From all sides great conger eels came through the water.

从古老的康吉鳗住宅群可以俯瞰到阿克伦市的市中心。Overlooking the center of Akron was the old Conger estate.

没有比这里更好的地方发现大海鳗。There is no better place than that for finding conger eels.

若比迅速地跑去,九个人和大海鳗打了几分钟。Jobic ran forward, and for some minutes the nine men were fighting conger eels.

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让您在百忙当中体味康吉美沙发的全新感觉。Allows you to experience his busy schedule in the United States and sofa conger new feelings.

我知道这个地方,因为它在我的小屋旁边,并且众所周知这儿是大海鳗生活的地方。I know this place because it is near my hut and it is well known as a place where conger eels live.

冻鱼,冻蟹,冻头足类,冻生蝾螺,冻煮星鳗,其它水产制品。Frozen Fish, Frozen Crab, Frozen Cephalopod, Frozen Raw Turban Shell, Frozen Cooked Conger Eel, Other Aquatic.

在吉萨金字塔旁边,头缠阿拉伯头巾,身穿阿拉伯长袍的国家地理摄影师迪恩。康格,正骑在一头骆驼上摆造型。Sporting a kaffiyeh and robes, National Geographic photographer Dean Conger poses atop a camel near the pyramids of Giza, Egypt.

康格于1959年成为国家地理的职业摄影师,他承担所有涉及欧洲、亚洲、美国的拍摄任务。Conger joined National Geographic as a staff photographer in 1959 and worked on assignments all over Europe, Asia, and the United States.

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头戴阿拉伯头巾身穿阿拉伯长袍的国家地理杂志摄影师迪恩。康格在埃及古萨金字塔旁骑着骆驼摆造型。Man on Camel, Giza, Egypt, 1966Sporting a kaffiyeh and robes, National Geographic photographer Dean Conger poses atop a camel near the pyramids of Giza, Egypt.

活生生的各种鱼类,如海笛鲷和援兵彩色游泳学校在该地区以及马里鳗鱼,一个水下螃蟹,龙虾,鳗鱼和鳗鱼种类。Schools of various vibrantly colored fish such as damsels and sea breams swim in the area as well as moray eels, a variety of underwater crabs, lobster and conger eels.