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他在雪地里艰难地行走。He walked clumsily in the snow.

笨拙愚鲁,自堵去路?。Who clumsily blocks his own way?

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而我只能笨拙地拨着我的吉他。As I clumsily strummed my guitar.

那个胖子笨拙地上了车。The fat man clumsily got himself into the car.

这小孩子笨拙地把我的花瓶摔碎。The small child clumsily Broke my vase to pieces.

我立刻拿碘酒,笨拙的给他包扎。I immediately got the iodine and clumsily bandaged her.

贾斯汀当然不会把围巾笨拙地缠在脖子上。Justin doesn't clumsily sling his scarf around his neck.

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第一个投球向他飞来,而夏恩笨手笨脚地挥了一棒,没有击中。The first pitch came and Shay swung clumsily and missed.

这意味着,许多公司的抄袭手法非常拙陋。That means when companies copy they often do it clumsily.

一只大螃蟹正笨拙地穿越海星花园。A sheep crab gallops clumsily across the brittle star garden.

他在滑雪场内的动作很优雅,但到了野外却很笨拙。He downhill skied gracefully. He cross-country skied clumsily.

可怜的屠夫抓住针并且笨拙地缝它。The wretched butcher clutched the needle andtitched it clumsily.

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但有时候,尤其是刚开始时,大脑并不擅长做这些。But at times, and especially at first, the brain does this work clumsily.

当你下到站台上时步履笨拙像一头牛犊。As you clamber down on to the platform, you stumble as clumsily as a calf.

我的自行车修得真糟糕,每骑一百米就要出毛病。My bike was so clumsily botched up that it broke down every hundred metres.

打滚在或好象在水里、雪中或泥浆中懒散地或笨拙地滚动身体。To roll the body about indolently or clumsily in or as if in water, snow, or mud.

随后,他又坐山观虎斗,看着手忙脚乱的狄安被逼提前五个月辞去党魁一职。Dion performed so clumsily that he was forced to resign five months ahead of schedule.

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他的礼物是用杂货袋上弄下来的厚厚的棕色纸粗陋地包着的。His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag.

对我们大部分人来说,所谓的南瓜雕刻就是笨手笨脚地在南瓜上刻上三角眼和锯齿嘴。For most of us, pumpkin-carving involves clumsily cutting triangle eyes and a jagged mouth.

接着,他从捆包袱的皮带当中脱出身子,笨拙地挣扎起来勉强坐着。Then he slipped out of the pack-straps and clumsily dragged himself into a sitting posture.