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你们需要现金支付吗?Do you want cash payment?

先付给我50英镑定钱。Pay me 50 as a down payment.

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她没有如期付款。She fell down on her payment.

讨论付款条件了吗?discuss the terms of payment?

后金公路经此。After the payment by the road.

延期付款的标准.A Standard of Deferred Payment.

他向我催讨债款。He duns me for payment of debt.

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第二十四条合同款拨付。Twenty-fourth contract payment.

付款用电汇仍是邮汇?Is the payment by cable or mail?

可能的话清还一笔债务。Make a debt payment if possible.

付款是通过GAF型代管而已。Payment is thru GAF escrow only.

然后选择付款参考。Then select the payment reference.

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我们苦求您即时付款。We request your immediate payment.

即期票据在提示时即付款。Demand note that the prompt payment.

你们接受托收付款方式吗?Do you accept payment by collection?

跟进回款及支付情况。Follow-up for collection or payment.

该商店没有按时付款。The firm was behind time in payment.

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现在每月还款额显示为The monthly payment is now displayed

家藏万金化为零。Home Tibetan million payment to zero.

法律没有禁止给予志愿者报酬。No laws forbid payment to volunteers.