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眼睛是象征什么?What is Eye Symbology about?

象徵学甲板是一个精神论者梦想,实现。The Symbology Deck is a mentalist's dream, come true.

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大毒蛇是代表螺旋型的DNA,或龙的象征。The serpent represents spiraling DNA or Dragon symbology.

这一系统为战术机动使用了离轴符号。This system is used for off-axis symbology for tactical maneuvering.

我们利用象征学来表示布尔变量以及它们的补充。We have a symbology for denoting Boolean variables, and their complements.

建筑符号的信息转移和认识方法。The turning of information of architectural symbology and the method of its recognition.

如果设计得好,其符号的意义将会使用户连结到现实的一部分。If well designed, the meaning of their symbology will give the user a link to a part of reality.

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我们需要告诉计算机,通过x定位到那个地址,然后在那里存储42,这里是用&还是?We need to tell the computer go to the address in x * and put 42 there so is the symbology there & or *?

我们必须耐心等待,在类人猿符号学翻译工作完成之前,我们并不知道这样做是否会给动物带来痛苦。We must wait until the simian symbology interpreter is finished to know if we're causing the animal any pain.

该系统提供了改进的安全性和态势感知能力,同时加入彩色标记和显示等优点。The system provides improved safety and situational awareness while adding the benefits of color symbology and display.

MFD上的文本和符号以不同的色彩进行标记和分类,以便与纯黑色的显示屏背景形成清晰和明显的对比。Text and symbology on the MFD are color-coded to contrast clearly and sharply with the black of the display screen background.

我们也希望您能用您的符号学专长来为我们解答这个难题,加之你还原打算和他会面。We had hoped that you might help us answer that very question, considering your knowledge in symbology and your plans to meet with him.

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符号学研究在国外已经广泛应用到各个学科,近年来也是艺术学研究领域的重点和热门课题。The study of symbology has been widely applied to many fields, and it is becoming a popular and important research subject in art study.

在启示录等其它地方都有这样的描述,不过它们被掩盖在了晦涩、有时是不可理解的象征手法中。It is described, among other places, in the Book of Revelation or Apocalypse, though cloaked in obscure and sometimes impenetrable symbology.

我们需要一个新条件,因为同样资料夹可能会被使用,而建立许多不同的图层,依据被使用的符号和其它可变因素。We need a new term because the same data set can be used to build many different layers, depending on the symbology used and other variables.

小丑,马戏团和游乐场象征使用也是涉及恐惧那些人体验案例的一部分,这些人在未来的日子里体验恐惧。Clowns, Circus and Carnie Symbology are also part of the experience which case those involved to be fearful of these people are experiences at a future date.

他诗歌中生动的意象和别具个性的象征常被看作他诗歌最突出的特点,而正是这一特点使他的诗歌充满了非理性主义色彩。His vivid imagery and personal symbology have consistently been seen as the distinguishing features of his work, which also give his poetry an irrational tint.

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标识就是在这里表述着支撑的观点,就像皇帝在教义上高于人民,于是神在教义上高于盘古。Well, the symbology at work here is the underpinning of that concept. Just as the Emperor above rules over the people below, so God above rules over man below.

虽然象征构思在建筑创作中具有一定的局限,但对创作具有一定的人文、地方特色的建筑有不少可资借鉴的长处。Though the symbology has the some limitations in the architecture creation, it is be of advantage to create the architecture with humanistic and local character.

我们请你想想这个静态圆圈分裂为二,向相反的方向转动,而现在重新变回一个,并且向外扩展的比喻。We ask you to consider this symbology of a static circle splitting into two, rotating in opposite directions, now reuniting back into one, and expanding outwards.