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我是大庆人。I am from Daqing.

在大庆,为大庆人!In Daqing, For Daqing People.

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我爱家乡,我爱大庆。I love the homeland, I love Daqing.

大庆油田是国家油气供应的重要基地。Daqing oil field is the main oil base of China.

大庆一化工厂发生爆炸,至少九人死亡,原因不明。Chemical plant blast kills at least 9 in Daqing.

永定河和大清河在天津附近合流。The Yongding and Daqing rivers meet near Tianjin.

这句话成为了大庆和龙油的座右铭。This has become a motto of both Daqing and Longyou.

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我的家乡是美丽的油城大庆。My homeland is the beauty of the oil city of Daqing.

大青山脚下的昭君墓被称为青冢。Wang Zhaojun tomb below Daqing mountain was once called Qing tomb.

大庆或大庆附近有什么地方可以去骑骑吗?。Is there anywhere close by to Da Qing, or in Daqing that I can ride?

大庆石油化工总厂职工合唱团组建于1990年。The staff chorus of Daqing Patrol Chemical Complex was set up in1990.

图片背景展板中清晰可见到“大庆市”字样。Images can be seen clearly in the background panels "Daqing City" word.

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大庆油田第七采油厂工艺QC小组。QC Group of Technology, the Seventh Oil Production Plant, Daqing Oilfields.

这副地域卫星航拍图,将整个大庆市域呈现在您面前。And this regional satellite aerial map presents the whole Daqing municipality.

大庆喇嘛甸油田是我国目前开发的最大一个气顶油田。Lamadian oil field in Daqing is the largest gas cap oil field developed in China.

大庆石油通过这条输油管源源不断地流往北京。Through this pipeline, crude oil flows from Daqing to Beijing in a steady stream.

1979年12月14日,安达市更名为大庆市,由黑龙江省直辖。December 14, 1979, Anda renamed Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province by the Territory.

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大庆油田截止1999年底累计发现套损井6860口,占投产井数的16。There are 6860 casing damaged wells in Daqing oil field up to 1999, which occupies 16.

后来在大庆油田上崛起的新兴石油城亦被命名为大庆市。Later, the rise in Daqing oilfield has also been named the new oil town of Daqing City.

我在大庆教书的时候,我发现学生们从来都不会问为什么。When I was in Daqing teaching in a public school, I notice that students never ask why.