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我是东北土包子。I am a North East bumpkin.

你死定了,土包子兔子。Youre dead, bunny bumpkin.

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她带着阿乡买东西去了。She took the country bumpkin shopping.

一个乡下佬第一次去大城市。A bumpkin went to a big city for the first time.

让她儿子之一娶一个乡巴佬实在有违她的意志。The thought of having one her son's marry a country bumpkin was beyond her.

他的同窗把他当成乡巴佬,其实他的家庭很有背景。His schoolmates took him to be a country bumpkin. In fact, he's from an influential family.

她的反对者吧她称为土包子,粗糙的相貌只有西方人才欣赏。Her criticizers dismiss he as a country bumpkin with rough features only Westerners could appreciate.

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神经六乡下仔出城,来到大城市找工作,结果在百货公司做了个小售货员。A nutty country bumpkin came to the big city for a better living and landed with a sales clerk job at a department store.

换个法儿说吧,接触过的高手越少,懂得的文化花样就越少,这样的个体,就像俗话说的乡巴佬。Put another way, those animals exposed to the fewest educated individuals have the smallest collection of cultural variants, exactly like the proverbial country bumpkin.

它根据他们的老套主角——一位叫托比的乡巴佬命名,这些风格健康、朴素和滑稽幽默的演出受到了广大乡村观众的欢迎。Named for their stereotyped lead character, a country bumpkin named Toby, these shows appeal to a rural carnival audience with a play based on wholesome, homespun, slapstick humor.