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选择您的船民与照顾和谨慎。Select your boat with care and circumspection.

他们表现得相当理智而且谨慎。They behaved with considerable sense and circumspection.

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当然,仅有媒体的努力是不够的。It is not just media circumspection that is needed, of course.

民权自由派支持者对被监视时代的到来感到担心,认为这种环境可能长久存在下去。Civil libertarians fear the era of surveillance and circumspection could become permanent.

鉴于此,作者的谨小慎微与其说一种文体风格的选择,不如说是一种道德上的抉择。In light of them, her famous circumspection looks less like a stylistic than a moral choice.

十二大对过去犯了错误的同志做了比较审慎的处理。At the Twelfth National Congress comrades who had made mistakes were handled with circumspection.

你是更好地做这与伟大的谨慎或便容易结束了一个烧伤人事编制小组委员会。You are better to do this with great circumspection or it would be easily end up with a burned ESC.

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尽管身穿灰色牛仔裤和朋克T恤的格林特很内向,但是他今天还是为两件事兴奋不已。Yet despite his circumspection Grint, in grey denims and pop punk T-shirt, is excited about two things today.

但应该谨慎地对待修正,不至于立即导致世界看法的大转变。But the revisions should be treated with circumspection and not immediately result in a massive shift in world-view.

在未来18个月谨慎,是少见的言论所作的政治家,学者和官员。During the next 18 months circumspection was rarely seen in pronouncements made politicians, pundits, and officials.

通过分析二者逻辑推理过程,以剖析其思想的渊源,从而审视庄子和惠施的哲学思想。Through the analysis of the logical process, the author attempts to make an circumspection into their philosophical thoughts.

我很佩服你的细心呢,二个星期是少了点儿,跟一个男人相处二个星期也不太能真的了解他是怎样的。I honour your circumspection . A fortnight's acquaintance is certainly very little. One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight.