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提出的渲染与后期制作。PSD文件包含。Presented renders are with postproduction. PSD files are included.

个人认为后期制作时一个非常个人的步骤。However, I feel IMHO that postproduction work is the most personal step.

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我将会介绍我是怎样处理我的模型、贴图和后期处理的。I will show you how I proceeded with the modeling, texturing and postproduction.

对于正确曝光的图片是有利于后期处理的。It is also important to understand that an image with proper exposure can be enhanced in postproduction.

把自己的两台电脑搬到办公室,一个简陋的后期编辑工作室就这么建立起来了。Moved two of our own desktops to the new office and a simple postproduction editing room is thus complete.

它包括编辑、特技、复制、配音、加字幕和其它许多视频和音频技术。Postproduction includes editing, special effects, dubbing, titling and many other video and audio techniques.

随着数字技术的发展,电视节目的后期制作进入了数字化时代。Postproduction of TV programmes has entered the era of digitalization due to the advance of digital technology.

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这里还进行后期制作项目,包括我们自己的创作材料和其他艺术家的作品。There are also postproduction projects, based both in self produced material and in external artists productions.

在这篇制作教程里,我将向你展示我制作“火枪手”这幅作品的过程,包括建模,贴图和后期合成。In this making, I would like to present to you the process of making my picture " Rifleman ". I will show you how I proceeded with the modeling, texturing and postproduction.

软件界面允许个人化。也可定制的颜色和其他装置,使用你独特的软件操作界面。Skin capabilities allows to personalize the interface. Design services are also available to customize the colour surfaces and other devices, making your postproduction suite unique.

我们同时也与印度的顶级后期公司保持伙伴关系,同时也对意大利,泰国输出工作以确保我们达到全球的生产容量。We also maintain strong partnerships with one of the leading postproduction facilities in India, as well as with subcontractors in Italy and Thailand, to expand our global reach and capacity.

“你不能对一部大片的3-D效果仅作为后期制作程序来实现,”卡梅隆说,“没人能够在有限的两到四个月内做好所有的事情。”“You can’t do conversion as part of a postproduction process on a big movie, ” Mr. Cameron said, “because no one is willing to insert the two or three or four months necessary to do it well.”