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债权人的撤销权是一项古老的民法制度。The withdrawing right of the obligee is an ancient civil law system.

第一百零九条拾得遗失物,应当返还权利人。Article 109 A person who finds a lost thing shall return it to the obligee.

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我们与源泉在权利人基本利益的维护上是一致的。We and fountainhead are in obligee is basic of the interest safeguard going up is consistent.

第一百零三条标的物提存后,毁损、灭失的风险由债权人承担。Once the subject matter is in escrow , the risk of its damage or loss is borne by the obligee.

而对权利人的损失和侵权人的违法所得均没有明确标准。And the illegal earning of the loss to obligee and infringer all did not make clear a standard.

第一百零七条所有权人或者其他权利人有权追回遗失物。Article 107 An owner or any other obligee shall have the right to recover a lost-and-found thing.

撤销权的行使范围以债权人的债权为限。The right of revocation shall be exercised within the scope of the creditor's right of the obligee.

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地上权人或永佃权人得向土地所有权人请求相当之补偿。The superficies or the permanent lease obligee shall claim for equivalent compensation to the landowner.

西子影艺婚纱摄影权利人不对您使用本网站内容所产生的任何法律后果承担责任。Vera photography obligee wrong you use this web site content from any legal consequences that responsibility.

作者主张遵循时间优先原则,同时赋予实体权利人提起异议之诉的权利,通过异议之诉来对抗和撤销先行的强制执行。The thesis suggests the principle of preference of time and to endue the obligee with rights to advance exception suits.

提存期间,标的物的孳息归债权人所有。提存费用由债权人负担。The fruits of the subject matter accrued during escrow belong to the obligee. Escrow expenses shall be borne by the obligee.

权利人必须采取具体、合理的措施,才能要求相对人保守商业秘密。Therefore, the obligee should adopt concrete and reasonable measures before he requires the offeree to keep business secrets.

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新债务人不能够向债权人主张原债务人可以向债权人主张的抵销权。The new obligor may not exercise against the obligee any right of set-off available to the original obligor against the obligee.

因此,需要制定相关的法律来对“网络恶搞”行为进行民法上的规制、保护权利人利益。Therefore, we need to establish the related civil law to regulate the network kuso behavior to protect the right of the obligee.

第八十六条不动产权利人应当为相邻权利人用水、排水提供必要的便利。Article 86 An owner of immovables shall provide the necessary convenience to a neighboring obligee in the use or discharge of water.

前款规定的债权人为留置权人,占有的动产为留置财产。The "obligee" as referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be the lienor, and the occupied chattels shall be the property under lien.

权利人悬赏寻找遗失物的,领取遗失物时应当按照承诺履行义务。Where an obligee offers a reward for the finding of the thing he lost, he shall fulfill his obligation as promised when taking the thing back.

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法院的一些规定不合时宜,没有考虑到网络侵权的特点,也增加了权利人的维权成本。A few regulations of the court are malapropos, did not consider the characteristic of network tort, also raised the dimension authority cost of obligee.

本条所称权利人,是指商业秘密的所有人和经商业秘密所有人许可的商业秘密使用人。"Obligee" as mentioned in this Article refers to the owner of business secrets and the person who is permitted by the owner to use the business secrets.

债权人可以对新债务人主张与被转移之债务相关的合同项下的金钱支付或者其他履行的所有各项权利。The obligee may assert against the new obligor all its rights to payment or other performance under the contract in account of the obligation transferred.