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采用高效液相色谱法测定盐酸克林霉素的含量。HPLC method was adopted to determine the content of clindamycin.

局部用克林霉素有报道可致假膜性结肠炎。Pseudomembranous colitis has been reported with topical clindamycin.

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对于这种感染可用乙嘧啶,磺胺嘧啶和氯林可霉素等药物进行治疗。The infection is treated with drugs such as pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and clindamycin.

严重的卡式肺囊虫肺炎初期多采用增效磺胺甲基异唑或克林霉素和口服伯氨喹进行治疗。Severe cases of PCP are initially treated with TMP-SMX or clindamycin and oral primaquine.

目的评价国产注射用克林霉素磷酸酯的安全性。Objective To observe the effects of the Clindamycin Phosphate injection and evaluate its safety.

结论珊瑚克林霉素糊剂是一种较理想的前牙根管充填材料。CONCLUSION The clindamycin loaded coral paste is an ideal front tooth root canal filling material.

目的对国产克林霉素磷酸酯注射剂的质量现状进行评价。Objective To evaluate the quality of clindamycin phosphate preparations for injections at present.

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一个典型的TSLS在先前健康的33岁女子克林治疗报告。A typical case of TSLS in a previously healthy 33 year-old woman treated with clindamycin is reported.

结果除个别批次外,克林霉素磷酸酯注射液和注射用克林霉素磷酸酯样品质量均符合标准规定。Results Except one batch of the Clindamycin Phosphate for Injection, the samples accord with the demand.

虽然这些副反应在其它很多的抗生素中都有发生,但这是克林霉素使用过程中经典的副反应。While this side effect can occur with numerous antibiotics, it is classically linked to clindamycin use.

除林可霉素、克林霉素B和7-表克林霉素外,其余均未被各国药典收载。The others haven't been collected by pharmacopoeia except for lincomycin, clindamycin B and 7-epiclindamycin.

大量的抗生素,包括四环素和氯洁霉素,是通过进入细菌内部的核糖体而对细菌产生抑制作用。Dozens of antibiotics — including tetracycline and clindamycin — work by gumming up the ribosomes inside bacteria.

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建立高效液相色谱法同时测定复痤霜中克林霉素和螺内酯的含量。HPLC method for simultaneous determination of clindamycin and spironolactone in compound clindamycincream was established.

丙叉克林霉素经磷酰化反应、水解反应成功得到最终产物克林霉素磷酸酯。Clindamycin phosphate was successfully prepared by the acylation and hydrolysis reaction of Clindamycin 3,4-isopropylidene.

需氧菌的耐药率由高到低依次为青霉素、红霉素、氯洁霉素……。The highest rates of drug resistance in aerobic germs were penicillin, and it was followed by erythromycin and clindamycin.

采用高效液相色谱-内标法研究了克林霉素磷酸酯合成工艺的后处理过程。Studies of post-treatment in the synthesis of clindamycin phosphate by HPLC coupling with internal standard are carried out.

而对于炎性损伤,试验药物与克林霉素的效果没有统计意义上的显著差别。For inflammatory lesions there was no statistically significant difference in efficacy between the study drug and clindamycin.

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目的观察克林霉素治疗无合并症的泌尿生殖道沙眼衣原体感染的疗效及安全性。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of clindamycin in the treatment of urogenital tract infection of chlamydia trachomatis.

本法成功地应用于对克林霉素胶囊和人血清和尿液的测定。The proposed method was applied successfully in the assay of clindamycin in capsules, human urine and serum without any pre-treatment procedure.

因此,我们决定保留克林霉素,但必须用非常清楚的措辞说明那些患者应该使用头孢唑林、克林霉素或万古霉素。So we have decided to stick with clindamycin but to have really explicit language with regard to who should get cefazolin, clindamycin, or vancomycin.