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图像模块接口?。VMI? Video Module Interface?

供应商管理库存材料的支付为支付条款30天。Payment of invoices for VMI material will be made under NET 30 terms of payment.

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相对于国外的发展状况,VMI在国内是一较新的问题。Compared with the development abroad, VMI is a comparatively new issue in our country.

对于非维基尼亚的外地学员来说,在VMI学习一年的开支是三万美元左右。The cost for one year at VMI for someone from outside Virginia is about thirty thousand dollars.

通过对成本模型的分析,找出了VMI在开始阶段难以实施的原因。Through an analysis of model, reason why VMI is difficult to implement at the beginning has been found out.

最后,本文针对VMI应用不广泛的情况,从理论和现实两个角度进行了原因分析。At last, the paper explained the reasons why VMI model hasn't been used broadly both in theoretical and practical ways.

从事VMI配送的物流企业、从事国际采购配送的物流企业、从事进出境代理的物流企业。Logistics enterprises deal in VMI distribution, international purchasing distribution as well as in-and-out bound agent.

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区域性中小型水力发电企业与传统的大型发供电企业相比,其电力备品配件管理面临诸多新的问题。In-depth study of the supply chain environment, spare parts inventory management model, in which VMI and related models described JMI.

JMI是一种在VMI基础上发展起来的供应商与用户权力责任平衡和风险共担的库存管理模式。JMI is developed based on the VMI suppliers and users to balance and risk-sharing authority and responsibility of inventory management.

VMI的目标是能够实现战略联盟,因此,本文还对供应商与制造商之间的协议关系进行了分析。The VMI is used to carry out the tactic alliance, so this paper analyses the contract between the venders and the manufacturing enterprise.

通过仿真,定量地对比了非VMI及VMI模式下,供应链各成员的订单及库存情况。The order and inventory situations of each member of the supply chain in VMI and non-VMI are presented by simulation and quantitative comparison.

对有确定需求、有初始库存和库存短缺的一种畅销商品,建立了供应商管理库存的渠道利润模型。For a salable product, the channel profit mode of VMI is established, which based is on deterministic demand having safe stock and stock-out cost.

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文章对新宁物流电子保税仓储VMI服务进行分析,为业内其他物流公司实施保税仓储VMI服务提供借鉴。Through analyzing the VMI service of Xinning Logistics Electronic Bonded Storage, the paper aims at providing reference for other relevant companies.

他说今年VMI有二十三个学员来自英国,埃及,波兰,俄国和泰国等国家,他们大部分是学工程技术的。He says VMI this year has twenty three cadets from countries including Britain, Egypt, Poland, Russia and Thailand. Most of them are studying engineering.

对A公司物料采购进行了分析,提出了相应的采购策略,并建立了基于实际应用背景的VMI下成本模型和供应商定价模型。Having analyzed the procurement management of A company and the procurement stratagems are proposed, and set up the model of the benefit in VMI based on reality.

VMI契约在南水北调工程中应用可以实现库存管理决策权在供需双方的重新分配,从而达到供需双方的“沟通与协调”的目的。VMI contract reallocates the decision rights of inventory management between the suppliers and the buyers, which can attain the goal of "communication and coordination".

本文通过定量的理论分析,认为VMI模式不仅有助于解决牛鞭效应的问题,同时有助于整个供应链的获利能力的提高。Through quantitative theoretical analysis, it is considered that VMI can not only help to solve the problem of bullwhip, but also help to increase the profit entire supply chain.

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视觉运动整合能力发育测验作为一种筛查工具,能方便有效地反映出学龄期聋童的认知发育和智能水平,并可反映大脑视觉运动整合中枢的脑电活动水平。VMI test can efficiently reflect the development status of visual-motor integration or intelligence of the school-age deaf children and represent the level of central EEG activity.

在不允许缺货、允许缺货但缺货量完全拖后等VMI模型研究的基础上,构建了考虑一个供应商和多个不同的订货商、订货商允许缺货且缺货量部分拖后的VMI模型。Based on the models of VMI without backlogging and with complete backlogging, VMI model with partial backlogging allowing shortage was built considering a single vendor and multiple buyers.

在VMI模式下,物流配送系统中,供需双方的库存与运输的全面整合优化问题是获得配送系统总成本最优化的重要问题。Under VMI mode, integrating inventory and transportation of the supplier and the demander as a whole is vital to achieve the optimization of total distribution cost in distribution logistics system.