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她近来情绪急躁。She's be edgy lately.

他性情急躁。He has an edgy temper.

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她近来情绪急躁。She's being edgy lately.

她近来情绪急躁。She"s been edgy lately."

设计需要将毛躁,寻找新的。The design needs to be edgy and new looking.

一些外汇市场的参与者为此如坐针毡。This is making some foreign-exchange participants edgy.

这些整体上的不安衬托出你内心的前卫斗士。Bring out your inner she-warrior in these edgy ensembles.

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低腰的窄脚牛仔裤会让他觉得你太过前卫。Hip, edgy jeans make him think you're too cool for school.

但是酷和前卫是典型的伦敦街头风格,but typical London street style would be, yeah, cool and edgy

迈克尔·伊姆普奥利过人的才华浪费在扮演一个无能的警察上。Michael Imperioli’s edgy talents are wasted as an ineffectual cop.

曲木子的作品轮廓分明,表现出紧张与宁静的双重性。The artist's work is edgy and offers a duality of tranquility and tension.

她说,“指甲油的那些命名是先锋性和革命性的。”"With the nail polish there was something edgy or revolutionary, " she says.

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一个有趣的新品牌,西铁城钟表公司从现代和前卫的钟表。A new brand of fun, modern and edgy timepieces from the Citizen Watch Company.

在做各种转变的过称中,他们可能看上去很急躁,也许过度情绪化。They may seem edgy or perhaps overly emotional about making various transitions.

短而向四外张开的发式让你看起来更时尚和充满活力。A short, spikey style is a short hairstyle that gives you a modern and edgy look.

不要以为你为你的播放器挑选了一个前卫的外观就是表现自我。Don't imagine that picking an edgy look for your music player is self expression.

许多商店都出售水手短裤,它能如此引领时尚真是让人感到意外!Many stores are carrying sailor shorts. It’s surprising how edgy the style can be!

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妇女写硬,心急火燎的歌曲,但他们的声音组合,创建了一个近乎神圣的美丽。The women write hard, edgy songs but the mix of their voices creates an almost holy beauty.

从那以后,年仅18岁的摇滚歌手看起来更加摇滚风了。But since then, the now only 18-year-old rocker is now looking even more edgy and hard core.

我所在的波特兰有极好的户外运动设施,先锋派的文化,还有优美的自然环境。My town of Portland offers wonderful outdoor-sports access, edgy culture and natural beauty.