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雪貂是什么?What Is A Ferret?

我会搜出“狐狸”和她的党羽。I'll ferret out Fox and her gang.

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自然的饮食来源对貂是好的吗?Is natural diet right for your ferret ?

他能搞清楚如何修理这件东西?Can you ferret out how to mend the thing?

查出是谁写这封信的并没费什么劲儿。It wasn't hard to ferret out who wrote the letter.

重新接线的雪貂用它的眼睛来听声音吗?Does the rewired ferret come to hear with its eyes?

那么鹦鹉、豚鼠、猫或者宠物貂呢?What about your cockatoo, guinea pig, cat or pet ferret?

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不过,貂儿接种预防狂犬病疫苗还是至关重要。Still, it is vital to vaccinate your ferret against rabies.

我们希望借助对这些家庭的研究找出真正的因素。We want to use these families to ferret out what these factors are.

雌白釉在酷热的环境下如果找不到配偶就会死亡。A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.

今天是花栗鼠、雪貂和草原土拨鼠王国向你们问候。It is the Chipmunk, Ferret and Prairie Dog Species that greets you today.

到底什么事,本杰明表弟?是猫吗?还是约翰鼬獾?Whatever is the matter, Cousin Benjamin? Is it a cat? or John Stoat Ferret?

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是一个闭合的问题,当然,它被设计成想得到是或否的结果。Is a closed question, and of course, it's designed to ferret out a yes or no.

现在,欧洲野牛和黑足鼬的数量都重新得到了恢复。Populations of the European bison and black-footed ferret are both recovering.

八合一公司正召回它的流浪者牌狗、猫和白鼬的宠物食品。The Eight in One company is recalling its Dingo brand dog, cat and ferret treats.

八合一公司召回了它的野狗牌狗食、猫食以及雪貂食物。The Eight in One company is recalling its Dingo brand dog , cat and ferret treats.

纯种安哥鲁雪貂不能与长发雪貂或安哥鲁混血搞错。The full angora ferret should NOT be mistaken for long haired ferrets or angora mixes.

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然后,我得交关于女权运动的报告,还得搜出研究论文的原稿。Then I have to submit my report on feminism. I have to ferret out my original research.

当兔子被人们搬上餐桌时雪貂也被训练成捕兔的工具了。As humans spread the rabbit as a meal source they brought the ferret along as the hunter.

斯特拉博记述在利比亚雪貂诞生后被圈养并用于捕兔。Strabo states that the ferret was bred in captivity in Libya and used for hunting rabbits.