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我只是一个旁观者。I was only an onlooker.

而第二种情况中,你只是旁观者。In the second one, you're an onlooker as well.

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作为旁观者,我更能理解你的心情。As a onlooker , I can understand your feelings more.

但我不会,只能当观众。But I couldn't do it myself. I was only an onlooker.

一个观众把球掷还给球员们。One that looks, especially a spectator or an onlooker.

一个美丽的点缀,还是一个沉默的旁观者?Is a beautiful one interspersed or a reticent onlooker ?

旁观者清,这一点还有什么可疑的吗?Is it doubtful that the onlooker sees most of the game ?

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一位观众在周四和一位朋友从纽约飞过来。One onlooker flew in with a friend Thursday from New York.

“布莱克点了两份卡布奇诺,”一位目击者告诉PEOPLE杂志。"Blake ordered two cappuccinos," an onlooker tells PEOPLE.

“布莱克点了两份卡布奇诺,”一位目击者告诉PEOPLE杂志。"Blake ordered two cappuccinos, " an onlooker tells PEOPLE.

今晚,只有我和我的手,可能还会有一个愉快的旁观者。Tonight, it’s just me and my hand and possibly a pleased onlooker.

一位旁观者称,据他观察,“今年游行较往年尤具活力。”One onlooker observed, “This year has more energy than other years.

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一位旁观者称,据他观察,“今年游行较往年尤具活力。”One onlooker observed, “This year has more energy than other years.”

这次你不再是电车司机了,只是一名旁观者。This time you're not the driver of the trolley car, you're an onlooker.

没有什么比有一位不请自来的身着豹纹纱笼的旁观者更浪漫的事了。Nothing says romance like an uninvited onlooker in a leopard print sarong.

它使我们能够使自己的理解能力与快速的旁观者。It enables us to make ourselves understood with rapid comprehension by the onlooker.

你只不过是受制于已决定、可预测的剧本的旁观者,如「连连看」般的冒险游戏。"Join the Dots" adventure games where you are a mere onlooker in a predetermined and predictable plot.

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根据一位目击者的说法,飞机通场数次,煽动翅膀向人群致意,观众则报以欢呼鼓掌。They cheered and applauded as it made several passes, waggling its wings 'to salute the crowd, ' according to one onlooker.

另一位旁观者,来自西班牙的欧内斯特说他担心机器人是否会代替酒吧招待员的工作。Another onlooker , Ernesto Lobera from Spain, expressed his own concerns over whether robots would take the jobs of bar staff.

鲁迅书写“看客”一方面具有一种清醒的启蒙理性,另一方面又呈现出强烈的生命意识。On one hand he wrote "Onlooker" with level-headed illuminative sense, on the other hand "onlooker" presented strong being consciousness.