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从完全不同的角度想想吧。Think radically different.

现在我做些彻底的改变。Now I do something radically different.

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你将读到一些完全不同的东西。You will read radically diverse things.

这也许是从根本上改变了你所作的。It might even change what you do radically.

我们最大的不同在于方法上。But where we disagree radically is on means.

他的十预彻底改变了局势。His intereference radically changed the situation.

他们的生产和生活状况没有从根本上被改变。Their work and life statues have not changed radically.

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你将需要在根本上改变你对生活的想法。You will need to radically change your thinking about life.

正是这次美国之旅,彻底改变了姜浩的人生。It was this journey that changed Jiang Hao’s life radically.

他们的生产和生活状况没有从根本上被改变。Their produce and life conditions haven't changed radically.

即使他们在完全不同的环境中长大。Even if they were raised in radically different environments.

简单的说,公司必须进行巨大变革。In plainer words, the company must change its ways radically.

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我们并不认为社会媒体将在根本上改变我们所做的。We do not expect social media to radically change what we do.

居民集抄系统从根本上解决了抄表难的问题。The system of CCMS radically solves the problem meter reading.

是全新的物理还是未能被完全理解的背景噪音?Radically new physics or incompletely-understood detector background?

所以说政府很彻底地限制了巴士服务。虽然他们还没有完全取消巴士服务。So they radically, radically limited it. They have not eliminated it.

这是个与大众研究,完全不同的研究方法。That is a radically different approach than studying just the average.

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你喜欢更新的、与食物金字塔形状完全不同的东东吗?Do you like the updated, radically different shape of the food pyramid?

如果没有最初的这条“安全之绳”,滑雪会是一种截然不同的体验。Skiing is a radically different experience without that initial safety harness.

这间位于阿姆斯特丹名牌街的公寓阁楼被彻底的翻新了。This majestic apartment on P.C.Hoofstraat in Amsterdam was radically renovated.